Monday, March 7, 2011

Why Does Milk Have A Soapy Taste

Review: Rudolf Taschner, justice triumphs

Prof. Dr. Rudolf Taschner demonstrates in this book, the gap between law and justice, which for centuries can not be closed eventually. The author knows that equality, generation, law, history, business, design, conscience, grace, are unlikely to bring in line with the concept of justice. The reasons for this are complex. The shows of the scientists is well understood by many examples.

In this book focuses on the concept of "justice" from different angles. Already in the prologue makes clear Prof. Dr. Taschner that so far there is no justice on earth, but a longing after her.

The author has dealt with many smart people from previous times and also with changes in the course of history. It shows how old snobbery was lifted, but once again was new. The selfishness of many people appeared to be rare to another to give as a self-interest takes precedence. You can know more about Mozart's development which, because of his talent can be also an outstanding mathematician, but a musician, was because his father and his fate was already in the then estate society otherwise permitted, (see: p. 14 ff).

Carl Friedrich Gauss, highly gifted children of poor parents, was lucky that he was born in a time when the man was already regarded as autonomous beings. He was given a chance to work according to his talent, as a wise teacher has encouraged him and he eventually got a scholarship to the Martino-Katharineum High School, (see: p.17).

Prof. Dr. Taschner makes clear that Fortune in such developments are the inspiration and they have to this day to do anything to enter with a fairer structure. is discussed

the fact that with the disappearance of old privileges and the high clergy, a new social class-the educated middle- developed. These caste made sure that their descendants occupied important political positions, or could at least be the holders of influence (see: p.23). Also they were not interested in fair conditions.

comes to language, the "French Revolution" and its ideal of the citizen, and Thomas Jefferson is not forgotten and will be advised of theorists like John Rawls. Rawls in his Theory of Justice "in 1971 prompted some to which social, economic and political principles for a society to advance reasonable persons would, if they do not know where you stand with yourself in this society to be (see: p.29). It is learned that Rawls called because of his thought experiment two principles of justice that can be read at Taschner combined well. You can also read about the weaknesses in the conceptual approach of Rawls. Taschner eventually draws the most legitimate conclusion that a just world in terms of Rawls was static (see: p.30)

The author also writes of Olympe de Gouges, which during the French Revolution to the germ women's suffrage, and thus for the recognition of equal rights between men and women, laid (see: p.34), is also mentioned in the preamble to the Declaration of Independence of the United States, Calvin, Thomas Hobbes, Thomas More and how they were called by each in its own way on the implementation of justice of pondering.

The author asks in particular whether forgetting or remembering serve justice, even on Kant's reflections on the "eternal peace", one reads in terms of justice to know. A wealth of information flowing on the reader and I was pleased to finally be found on page 185 of the "categorical imperative" of Kant, which I think if everyone would use it in all his actions, could constitute a guarantee of fairness .

Taschner headline on page 188 "The conscience is the only Instance of true justice. "This argument at me close. Too bad that not all people listen to their conscience, but behave rather advantageous relative. This behavior prevented fair and just conditions. In my view, the problem of unjust structures and patterns of behavior can only be resolved if If the idea of wisdom teachers such as E. Tolle reacted, demonstrating that egomania the cause of the little heavenly state of our planet is.

justice in my view is, to deal fairly with each other, that people work their talents in accordance with and can live that neither corruption nor nepotism the genuine efforts to undermine a person's assets that it rigorously against such machinations going on in communities and the pursuit of happiness of the individual can not be nipped in the bud by selfish rulers. Justice is my opinion only in democratic structures to implement and only if each according to Kant's "categorical imperative" operates. Just structures require that to deal respectfully with each other and not in derogation of respectful communication. Prof. Dr. Taschner unfortunately right. "They are not on earth, -. Justice"

Worth reading.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Stila Lipglaze Stick Swatch

Rezensension - self-assertion, but properly - Dale Carnegie Training

counts With more than seven million subscribers the "Dale Carnegie Training" today the world's major training companies. "This, from Carol Skiba translated from the American book is waiting with 5 effective enforcement strategies for greater success in .'s on

perseverance, so the reader learns, lies between two extremes.. ruthless aggression and defensive passivity fact, assertive people are living neither of the two extremes of aggressive character, stresses behave third parties selfish, inconsiderate, unfriendly and demanding. Passive people in particular are weak to bend to the will of its opponent and put back their personal interests. Assertive contemporaries choose the middle way (see: p. 12).

assertiveness is a good remedy for anxiety, shyness, and anger. These are childish emotions that we as adults should be brought under control, (see: p. 12) declares, first, the four steps to assertiveness: Subdivided these in: 1 Root cause analysis, 2nd Honest self-assessment, 3 Looking outward directed, is 4.Now `s going on. Clearly show that enforcement capacity also means his fellow threatening, because threats inevitably cause personal conflicts, (see: p. 20). Threats have ultimately show enmity to the sequence and that the threat of an inability to enforce sovereign. Threat of enforcement is weak and not effective.

assertive people do not respond to aggression. It is better to make the aggressor clear that you understand how he feels. This usually minimizes aggression. In action steps, the reader learns of each chapter, to change and to work on his assertiveness.

is the magic formula for more ability in regard to their own opinion:
"1 Summarize the facts together.
2.Press your thoughts and feelings.
third Speak clearly about your wishes and needs and the benefits for your party. "(Quote p.25)

enforcement capacity generally has nothing to do with power, but only a little self-respect and respect for other people. If one is with people to do the show themselves ignorant of our wills, we should ask ourselves whether we own message to make even more and still could express more clearly and should consider how can we avoid that the other distracts from the topic (see . p.29) It is always important to one's own to respect and body language to speak in first person and in direct discourse with the other. In talks, it is always important to remain calm, to think before speaking and then to keep an upright posture, (see: p. 33). Discussions should always be started positively, errors should be addressed indirectly, make suggestions and general information should not command and end the conversation positive, (see: p. 34-37).

As a result, it is shown how to overcome resistance, before you learned how to build positive relationships. It must be clear that aggressive people who want to push others into action, often uncertain. We must infatuated by such uncertain contemporaries can not. "Bullies are a very special kind of dominant people. There are people who are insecure in their deep inside the core. They dominate because they do not manage to concede another influence and responsibility" (Zitat. p. 46). Behavior of this species comes from childhood. Uncertain responses, not assertive people reinforce the behavior of tyrants, yet tyrannical behavior always works only for a while (see: p. 46). "Tyrants want to satisfy their own needs, another check to secure their status to manipulate their fellow human beings, making decisions, expand their power, physical signs for success and wealth amassed by ensuring that they are blindly followed "(Zitat.S 47th) If you want to practice such behavior, will find in this book can not provide an
important.. tyrant must always .. dominant oppose and must not be intimidated

Good relationships are key to a positive work environment, a relationship is defined in the book as: "An emotional connection or a friendly intercourse between two people on the basis of mutual sympathy and trust and the feeling that the other person's own desires, needs and concerns understands (quote p.49). In dealing with themselves and with third parties, you should generally not forget the smile. Smile always opens doors, it is the best way to win over others, if the smile is genuine. The ability to articulate clear, strong, diplomatic and tactful, is the basis for the development of relationships (see: p.52).
One should always keep in front of the general difference between aggressive behavior and through in the eyes. There are always three ways to deal with other people: passive, aggressive and assertive (see: p. 56). On the basis of 15 points helpful tips are listed, how to get in conversations, discussions and negotiations can others from changing their behavior. One should remember that without respect a conversation can never be successful.

is discussed how to strengthen its relations. The key word is Wertschätzung.Vier personality types are explored. They are the following, the careerists, the secret agent, the striver, the burned. Is explained very well how to deal with people of each type.

a flag set that I consider very important, I quote;. "Two people never live in one world people who can communicate well with others, have understood that their view of things is not the same . To be like that of her interlocutor "(quote p. 79).

Positive curiosity is a major theme in the book, explaining why is curiosity, enthusiasm, why do we mean by curiosity and learn to teach, so curious to listen interactively, but and spontaneity, liveliness and humor means and why curiosity is to make others curious why curiosity should be fun, and always business and top priority is (see: p. 90 -98). By means of four measures to be useful strategies learned to take more curiosity in the company.

If you want to achieve results, the following criteria in dealing with his fellow Note:
- Talk to others with their names.
- Enter, if they are wrong.
- Make clear that you value them.
- admission, you are genuinely interested.
- Give your fellow sincere praise and recognition.
- you always keep what you promise.
- Show your gratitude.
- Put yourself in the position of its counterpart.
- Help your fellow man without hesitation.
- Recognize that it is useful to be modest.
- let their true opposite her face.
(see: p. 115-119)

be pleased with me including the comments on business etiquette. Polite Behavior is not too difficult. Stoffel and bully sit anywhere long term. Sooner or later they are shown the limits.

The persuasion and sales strategies in the book are treated well and the importance of eye contact in a conversation.

learned the reader in this book include different questioning techniques and the strategy we pursued. Is further illustrated how to deal constructively with conflict and how to listen properly, and how to awaken positive ambition and eventually preserved as of assertiveness in conflict situations. The number of action steps in the book I think is very helpful to the goal "to prevail" realize better. been
I want to end this review, the 1955 late Dale Carnegie to speak, whose books have sold over 55 million copies worldwide and translated into 38 languages and the father of the "Dale Carnegie Training" is:

"If we get angry are to other people, then we allow that they have power over us. power over our sleep, our appetites, our blood pressure, our health and our health. ... " (Excerpts from a quote from Dale Carnegie Page 253.) "Draw strength from the positive things and you can not get discouraged by the negative." (Quote by Dale Carnegie: page 9).


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Electric Handheld Skipbo

review: Berthold Gunster: Yes, but what if it works?

The blurb of this readable book, I noticed that the author Berthold Gunster the founder and "father" of the "Yes -but-philosophy ", whose goal is to make potential problems. The author clarifies at the outset of the book that all "yes-buts" give the impression of any renewal or modification trial sink into a quagmire of arguments, well-intentioned warnings and verständisvoller criticism. For the author is "yes-but" a closed attitude, thinking in limitations, fears and pessimism, which outbraking, freeze and a halt to the result, has (see: p. 7).

In contrast to this "yes-but" - though there is also the "yes-and-living", not with a verdict, but always begins with a question. The Dutchman Bert Gunster does not mention that many German act on a "yes-but" background, because their mentality (check, check and check again) has conditioned them in this regard.

"yes-but-men" to destroy not only any idea, they can ruin whole farms and whole industries. "

"yes-men and question them. You see the hair and the soup."

They are enlightening quotes from this book, I think.

Gunster remains true to life in his text and again and again to examples that I at this point, however, does not set out, as this is beyond the scope of the review. The "yes" and "is not to accept oneself, but an acceptance and this is an active act of surrendering. Anyone who accepts the reality, has no problem with it. The more one accepts the facts, the better can be influenced situations. In this seemingly contradictory Thought is based, the basic idea of the book (see: p.19).

"yes-but" people are loud Gunster never really something, but never really something. Basically these people are not in life, but they regard it only. The author stresses that persons of this kind in its worst form alls and know-all - are in arrears, (see: p. 20). People with a "yes-but" - go practice through life, have high expectations and they perceive the reality, overwhelmed by expectations, only limited to see opportunities and possibilities to do with decisions not easy and take intuitive mostly the wrong overthrow at once in the activism and go seamlessly into the evaluation of, (see: p. 24). Yes, but attitudes are the basis for professions such as that of the accountant or auditor. can not be creative with such an attitude is.

is the source of "yes-but" attitude is always the fear. For the "yes" and "attitude on the other hand trust and love are the basis and prerequisite for" no "because" there are control, distrust, and also fear. Sticking to rules (norms, intentions, arrangements) is a typical feature of a "yes-but" practice dar. This is not the logic or common sense that drives a decision but the rules (cf.: p.36) are

Another feature is the fear of social exclusion, that is against group exclusion. Who is ready to protect themselves do not always make all fictitious risks easier to get a yes-and-entertainment and can complete the tasks in the here and now indulge. The author asks: "Can we say with all my heart Yes to life, as if being and doing the same thing (p. 59) It is possible the results are more than satisfactory

The yes-building by Berthold?.. Gunster consists of 10 levels:

1) Say Yes to Being
2) Say Yes to reality
3) Say yes to this life
4) Say yes to your intuition
5) Say yes to your abilities
6) Say yes to your wishes
7) Say yes to your goals
8) Say Yes other
9) Say yes to everything that happens
10) Say Yes to action.

We all know that at the end of life is nothing. This fact may be the reason why many people remain in the "I" and define themselves that way. Our world is not static. Adherence to the "I am" creating lasting suffering, because you caught in this way in their own meaning is the notion of what is is. Gunster for the art, however, is to distance themselves from themselves, from time to time to hover over itself and realize that we play this earthly life as a big game with ourselves and the universe and make, (see: S .73).

The author points out that the base is a "yes" and "conduct a clear 'yes' to reality. To accept things as they are means for him to read them and accept the reality of the moment as a fact. When we are emotionally involved, we perform worse. The investigations have shown, (see: p.89). Everyone knows what it means by the rose-colored glasses to see the infatuation. :-))

step by step Gunster is with the reader, these ten "Say-Yes-floor" up. I really liked his comments in terms of intuition and his statement "Of all the species of our intelligence, intuition is the most prominent" (quote p. 127). Of course justified the author of this statement: "By logic we can conclude, resolve technical problems or errors executing a transfer, but only if we listen to our feelings, take a relaxed attitude and open to the - are often subtle signals our subconscious, we can solve complex problems intuitively. " (Zitat.: p. 127)

All writes Gunster, I can only nod in the ground. He just right, even if he says that the people who turned their attention more on their potential rather than their weaknesses, can grow more.

it is very important to accept others. The more one says goodbye to the idea of how the relationship should look to our fellow human beings, we are able to understand what others have to act carefully and with this knowledge in interaction with their respective counterparts.

Those who choose to engage in the affirmative and patterns to see is that he is more creative and more efficient than "yes-but-behavior patterns. The chance for happiness and success are increasing. Reason enough to say goodbye to "yes-but" the reality as it is to face and make the best of it.

Goethe put it succinctly: "From stones, which are being placed in the way, you can build beautiful things."

recommended because the yes-and-thinking is a really good self-help.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Get Free Brazilian Butt

review: made gifts from the garden itself

The author Claudia Költringer, together with photographer Anne Kompatscher a very nice, richly illustrated book on its way by means of which they instruct their readers create gifts from the garden.

The book is arranged under the headings:
delicious gifts from the garden
nurses gifts
herbal portraits

The delicious gifts divided them again in:

liqueur and brandy
sweet treats
vinegar, oil and Co.

The preparation of these gifts is explained very well. One learns, for example, liqueurs self. In the liqueurs are delicacies such as "Dandelion orange liqueur, rose petals and raspberry liqueur, elderflower liqueur" or "plum-cinnamon liqueur. The latter is an old family recipe. The liqueur is my opinion as gifts during the winter months because the flavors of the cold season are appropriate. Cookies and chocolate, in which the garden is mirrored, you learn to cook well. Here I like the "violet" chocolate "very good, which is a nice gift in the spring time, an almost romantic look-Border gift if it is packaged as proposed by the author it.

Well I like the honey-creations, that is the vanilla honey and rose honey, which are in the glass is a real eye-catcher. In addition to some tasty jams I like the tea and mulled wine spices very well. The Bratkartoffelgewürz I have made myself a present, but cheated a little dried garlic underneath. The mixture is managed in taste.

friends of the Mediterranean diet is certainly looking forward to "flowers herb salt" as a gift at a dinner invitation, especially when you present this beautifully packaged. A "Herb Butter spice" is the ideal gift for a barbecue at which times can give quite a "rosemary-chili oil.

are very decorative glass bottles with "cinnamon with orange" or "Rose flower vinegar with fresh raspberries and a highlight I see in the" tomato Bärlauchrelish ", consisting of tomatoes, red wine, sugar, citric acid, garlic, pepper, thyme and oregano leaves is made. The author sees the Relish an interesting accompaniment to meat. But I think that the Relish also fits very well with cream cheese.

The caring gifts me the recipe for "Marigold soap" has fallen, and I admit must be that I would lack the nerve for the preparation of soap. It seemed more likely I would establish the Ringelblumenalbe that will help with minor skin injuries. Handsome looks a handmade cherry stone pillow that you should use for stomach pain.
commend I want to mention the 24 herbs portraits. You learn details about each focused herbs that play a role in the gifts. Description, location, flowering, harvest and use will be addressed, so that the recipient about what to expect health can explain well.

Give her dearest friend, a "honey cream bath cream. You will be happy after a hard day.

Watery Smelly Cm After Ovulation

Either Broder, Henryk M. Broder, Hamed Abdel-Samad

This wonderful book contains a series of real satire, the reading of the journalist and writer Henryk Broder and the researcher Hamed Abdel-Samad entertaining, contrary cryptic dialogues to the reader be.

Broder is known to the Jewish and Abdel-Samad, the Muslim faith. Both have German nationality. Together with Broders Wire Fox Terrier Wilma go the men to a Germany-Safari and that with an old Volvo, which they call Kurt and resembles a brightly colored monkeys swing.

On their journey they feel with subtle questioning techniques to various people on the tooth and show the full measure of prejudices and questionable ethics review by Abel self cast, which is driving them around the country almost a blush in the face.

The book is moreover equipped with many photos, visualize this safari.

Wikipedia writes with regard to the term "safari", inter alia: "Safari" is the popular term of the Swahili language for a trip of any Art He found since the colonial period included in the German and English language of the erstwhile colonial masters and then was used mainly to describe a hunting trip in East Africa, killed in the usual big game was "(quote Wikipedia).

animals were on the trip not to be killed, but photos shot and it was the normal madness that can be diagnosed in the population of our country, to cute little understandable Recording on well sketched in Berlin-Rudow experience a "political plasters", -. they Calling itself the case - the unreadable by spray cans right-wing symbols and slogans on walls, but ultimately the criminal damage to property makes. Their example shows that it makes no sense to make to create the symptoms of any kind.

a party on the fifth anniversary of the opening of the Berlin Holocaust memorial, "Broder does not react unduly unwell. There are occasions where a festive mood is not announced. Broder's parents were in Auschwitz. If he expresses very angry, "the last Holocoust become the staging ground for wannabes, Busybodies, Partypupser and busybodies of all disciplines", I can understand him and when he asks cynically, "So we now go to the party, or we go to my therapist "he has just hit the nerve that the Thought-provoking.

involved for the Turkish bakers Broder that in a conversation that shows that young Turkish men are called to live a hand to the Western way good, but her sister that allow freer life do not want. Broder drafted in view together on the Baker "on him is simply no longer Muslim, he drinks, he smokes, he has sex before marriage, he does not go to Mecca, he does not pray." Hamed says: "But the chip is still in there." Broder replied: "The chip in it and the program me it seems a bit like before, like having a new Apple laptop, which runs an operating system. by Atari in 1970. "

This impression is even more often on the trip, whether warned in natives or newcomers in our country. In Bavaria photographed Broder a road sign on the front of a priest with two of his parishioners a sense is. Completely ludicrous. This is also to experience both the setting up of fertility symbol "Maypole" by a young Bavarian men and at the Oktoberfest they collect impressions in terms of tolerance by a suitably provocative outfit.

Hamed Abdel-Samad wonders at the end of the safari, which Stasi-men, neo-Nazis, peaceniks, Christiania residents and Muslim fundamentalists in common have and to provide an answer, which I endorse. Broder jokes that now an award for tolerance and respectful treatment is due, because a Jew and a Muslim have endured 30,000 kilometers in a car together

What can they, but others would have to create it. As difficult as this should not be but in the end, right? With a little tolerance willingness anything is possible. Above all, peace.


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Ntlrd Is Missing Mac Os X

review: trends and lifestyle Holstein Switzerland-provost-Wagrien island Fehmarn

The middle class in our country should be encouraged because it provides many jobs and tax revenue and has been battered by the banking crisis is bad. I read and review like books of the series "Trends and Lifestyle", as described in these books not only certain holiday destinations very well, but the reader is informed well about excellent, small, medium-sized enterprises not belonging to large chains and the it is not easy to be found by travelers.

The author of the book is from Herbert Hofmann Pohnsdorf-Sievers village. The many beautiful photos were produced by Dirk Fellenberg.

To Speech come the provost at the Kiel Fjord, the chief Wachter Bay Nature Park and the Westensee Wankendorf Lakes region, the Holstein Switzerland, the Lübeck Bay and the Isle of Fehmarn.

I was myself a few times in this region, because part of my family and a friend of my husband lives there and urge you to visit this area you. It is beautiful there. been reading

At the very beginning we dominated from the provost at the Kiel Fjord, the landscape through the power of glaciers. The area is characterized by rolling hills, picturesque lakes and picturesque villages. Because the soils are very fertile there could here the granary Schleswig-Holstein develop. Mention is made of wide, flat sandy beach of the Kiel Fjord, where you can at places like Laboe investigate the bathing experience. In that area to learn including a fruit farmers with farm shop, a goldsmith who operates her studio in Kiel and over farms that produce and market quality products in farm shops even know.

Also interesting is the region "High Bay Wachter, chief guard of the resort and the historic nature reserve" Castle Village White House. " It hosts various music festivals. Thousands of music lovers meet there to listen to music in a sophisticated ambience. In the region, learn Others will get to the studio of the painter Henning Rethmeier closer to go in for his shift away from representational painting as drive into the paint interpreted.

In the "Nature Park and Westensee Wankendorf Lakes" I have celebrated in the 1970s, together with my cousin and his friends New Year's Eve. I remember that very much. The nature area is very isolated and Westensee is really a secret, if one examines the rest. I read that in the quiet "Wankendorf lakes area" has the ZEN Verreinigung Germany sought her refuge. I can understand that.

Anyone with children should not neglect it, the center visit for old house and farm animal breeds in Warder. This center is an ark for 700 animals. The passionate animal rights activists Dr. Dr. Kai Frölich want to build a European Knowledge Centre for the history of pets. "

The Holstein Switzerland gets to know and learn that there have joined the places Bosau, Bösdorf, Dersau, Eutin, Grebin Plön and the "Holstein Switzerland Tourist Board. The nature of the region is dominated by lakes that have arisen 12 000 years ago and from rivers and streams, meadows and forests, which is a paradise for cyclists. In the hayloft of the property Brigitte and Hans white in village elections are held high-profile concerts and events. Information is also one of the artist Jens Peter Mardersteig whose versatility is reflected in a complex body of work. Be called: Poetic texts, theoretical texts, non-objective "neokonkrete" representational painting and works on paper (see: p.80).

"Good Immenhof" in Bad Malente you get to know, was on in the 1950 film "The girls from Immerhof" shot and the city bakery Eutin and Johannisloge "The Golden Apple" in Eutin, the 1771 was founded. In this context, we learn more about the Masons and their targets in force in self-improvement, the conscious on-the-make, such as talks and the promotion of ethical values as the basis of human interaction.

There are some nice hotels presented and also provides interesting information about the Luebeck Bay, before you can get to know the island of Fehmarn closer and there also the marine center.
The book is a very nice addition to the typical travel guide is small and medium-sized entrepreneurs and artists, just that one, I think, going shopping as a tourist should support rather than the large chain stores on the former green Wiese, lose the inner cities and towns more and more stimulus.


The reviewed product is available in stores everywhere.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Kohler K3402 Rialto Toilet Seat

review: Everything was better. A ruthless Review

This book contains texts (definitions) Henryk M. Broder, Josef Joffe, Dirk Maxsteiner and Michael Miersch. This alphabetically arranged, almost in the form of essays designed definitions deal with people, things, facts and thinking constructs that people who are older than 50 years, still fresh in memory, have if they do not suffer from amnesia. The lyrics are characterized by tolerance and humor and are free of cynicism or sarcasm towards oddities of the past, thank God, be viewed without sadness. Value judgments are left to the large small-minded readers.

makes the attitude of the Vorachtundsechziger not least the term "marriage hygiene," a course had to be answered with the sexual revolution. Broder, born in 1946, tells of a time out was not even among married people talk about sex, this indeed occurred in the dark and frozen in bedrooms. If you wanted to learn about sex and reproduction, had to rely on the few educational books, which dealt with the mating habits of bees, perch and jellyfish, (see: p.56). I was in 1967 still a child and was the film "Helga - From the Will of Life" still do not see mentioned the Broder remember me but as spoken about the film was because the "film-Helga" a namesake of mine and was to enroll in the family concerns, from what I later would be times when this gebrandtmarkten name. After I as part of the term "marriage hygiene" read what it was in the strip, I have to wonder much about the excitement. Incidentally, it is possible Broder on two sides very well the attitude towards Sexualiät that lasted well into the 70s to outline, without being regarded as such.

We read again and again of food from days gone by, such "fin stew" about "False Hare", "Fondue", "Toast Hawaii", "Cold Dog," "Cheese on a stick," "pickled eggs and by the name "Miss", which was abolished by the feminists and the once in office with fondness a "folding sandwich" ate. Josef Joffe writes that there is an emancipatory venture (not Noting evaluate) was to wear as a woman in the 50's and 60's pants and Franke, Levi Strauss, the jeans that after 1945 the world flooded, ultimately the real father of emancipation was. A striking pattern of interpretation. :-)) Has

I like Josef Joffe's definition for "hip and suspenders" (now suspenders), the writing-that Joffe does not, however, as a child in the form of a "bib" was that me, at least terribly abnervte. I quote: "... then physically necessary accessory that held up the stockings, now feminine concession to male fantasies of the wearer as well as annoying and oppressive feel.." Mr. Joffe seems to really understand his wife. :-))

Michael Miersch announces the extinction of the intellectuals in our country, their status claimed for years that, Guardian to be on the alert for the Germans again by turning brown and edit Horde. He notes that the guard job, not much hergibt become since the majority of the population peaceful, tolerant and democratic, and light on the issues, which today provide for new exciting moments, the series more and more. (See: p.98 -99). That the cultural decline affected only a few self-proclaimed intellectuals, I can not confirm it worth wanting.

Josef Joffe does not forget to mention that in Germany today is no more kindergartens, one finds that only conceptually abroad. In our country there are now "day-care centers. The children are conceptually disappeared. Not unduly Joffe asks: "What can be better than the combo of child and Services" (see: p. 105).

Broders definition of "making songs" I find this most amusing. He thought that was the first singer-songwriter Walter of the bird grazing, justifying this as well. Then he continues: "After Walther von der Vogel pasture was only a break, because the world had better things to do, to listen as love songs only had discovered America, the printing press invented, the Thirty Years War fought, brought the French Revolution to an end and. Wiener Schnitzel be patented before it could proceed with the songwriters' (p.121). Later recalled Broder singer on the "Burg Waldeck" in the 60 years and cites the original Austrian Dr. Dr. Dr. Rolf Schwendter from which comes the phrase: "The secondary school graduates are all Masturbantinnen." Well, sexreport come from those days to different results. The doctor apparently had multiple visions of the future. :-))
the "petticoat" and the "mini skirt" are themes in the book, even the poetry album, which has today been replaced by Facebook and finally, the "corporal punishment", which was in West Germany until abolished by law in 1973. However, the Bavarian Supreme Court said "a common law right to punish" still legal. We already wrote the year 1980 as the teacher on the last Bavarian Watschn as a pedagogical tool waived (see: p.150). Miersch writes, correctly, that have improved in this respect the times. "No one still has an understanding of sadists in service and Wife beaters parents." (P.151).

laughed uproariously I have when I read Broders conceptual discussion of Marcuse's "repressive tolerance", which he speculates that it is a mere typing error and should actually be called "Depressed tolerance." Broder shows very well provide examples, as the representatives of the Frankfurt School in their considerations have double standards and that they sophistical interpretation pattern were not unknown. His reasoning, why has the here and now the "Repressive Depressive and tolerance" enforcement probably complete, they can read on page 160. Lach.

Another well is the definition for the term "German Shepherd", the "Sunday best" to "drip" and "prosperity belly", which today is a social challenge, as everyone knows. But that was not always so. Containing food is quickly becoming a "false need".


The reviewed product is available in stores everywhere.

Monday, January 31, 2011

How To Take Off A Thule

Review: Chiemgau, craft, design, art, tradition

The author lives in Prien am Chiemsee Petra Wagner presents together with the Munich-based photographer Chris Hacker Craft, design, art and tradition in the Chiemgau. The presentation of the operations is preceded by a card. The numbers here are identical to the page numbers of individual holdings in the book and indicate the approximate location in the area. "Elegantly dressed"

The generic terms, "skillfully constructed," "stylish refined," "Comfortably furnished," "Artistically decorated," "Living Tradition", "enjoy full life" and "completed Gloss" learn the bandwidth of very good medium-sized Crafts in the region know about it pays to be informed.

populated, the region Chiemgau once by the Celts and the Romans. In the 8th Century were founded the monasteries of men's and women's Chiemsee, which began with the rise of the region. It established the craftsmen who created the Order of the monasteries sacred art. From 18 Century buildings were of European importance. Even small village churches with golden splendor, tasteful and impressive marble stucco decorated.

The growing trade in salt, used to the Celts and the Romans have brought the region further prosperity. is informed

you include a carpentry, built in the traditional way by hand and also reads from a plumber operation that adorns its roof dormers with an artistic emblem and the channels with water-spouting dragon heads or attractive members arches designed and continues to read from a metal worker in Prien, which can result in the blinding fire artful.

I found it exciting to read about the Baroque Lüftlmalerei. Inspired by the old days grace, now primarily stucco columns and portals, the exterior walls. Where did the term Lüftlmalerei arises is unclear. Several interpretations are in question, which are all mentioned. When Lüftlmalerei the colors of the images on the fresh lime plaster are applied, with which they combine and give the hotel a nice appearance for a long time.

You learn Neubauer conservation workshops in Bad Endorf know-wall churches. There offers a 45-member team, composed of church painters, gilding, Graduate Restoration of stone, painting, wood, and sculptures, carpenters, photographers and art historians, to their skills.

In Bernau, there is a plasterer, whose power spectrum is not only the production Attractive stucco elements, but also covered the design, planning, and the final color design and execution, in collaboration with trade colleagues, etc., to offer its customers.

It is impossible to craft that are listed in the book to outline at this point. I would like to commend mention the shots "in between" from the beautiful Chiemgau landscape and the successful photo of Herrenchiemsee. Clarified

you get, what you have meant by "working monastery. This is a picture to become worship. The technique of this skill originated in the Middle Ages, where transpose these nuns in monasteries in silent prayer in meditative silence. What will the devotional images, is explained in detail.

The muralist John King from Rimsting is presented and the beautiful glass objects from Hardy Magis from Rosenheim to be addressed. A little later we are confronted with the living tradition, learning about the customs in the area and reads more as a result of traditional crafts such as Hischhornschnitzereien. They are intricate carvings from antlers and horn for the costumes, the quill embroidery, which provides for leather pants for Schick, also by a Harp factory, which builds in the Chiemgau the instruments that provide sounds heavenly.

The addresses of all crafts are recorded on the last pages. A total of about 50 companies in the Chiemgau are presented. Those spending their holidays in this region would be well advised to deal with this book in detail, the ladies, for example, with an extraordinary costume design and gentlemen, perhaps with an object made of antlers.

A successful book, for people who have a sense of craft skills.

© 2011 Best Crafts Chiemgau / Umschau / Christian Hacker

The reviewed product is available in stores everywhere.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Painful Toe After Pedicure

review: defeating energy vampires with love - Dorothy Harbour

The author Andreas Srenk and photographer André Chales de Beaulieu take the reader on a trip to Göttingen and its surroundings. You get to the sights of this on paying and the surrounding areas know both lyrically and visually, and you will be informed through a variety of commercial establishments. I appreciate the concept of the series "Trends and lifestyle," because it is ultimately good publicity for the ortansässigen middle class is and gives potential visitors a prior information, where to eat or drink something really good and or buy something nice, so no cheap trinkets. When old glory to be obtained, must flourish of the middle class, tax revenues must be high. Everyone should know this. A city without a thriving business is now a dead city.

Göttingen, as the photos show, exhibit much medieval buildings, which is remarkably well restored. Srenk Göttingen called "The city of knowledge and brains" and justifies this in his opening post. In this place is all about the university. Of the total 130 000 inhabitants, is every 5th enrolled. The university also creates a large number of jobs and thus forms the heart of Gottingen.

Goethe was spending time in this university town and lived there, including Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, Carl Friedrich Gauss, Wilhelm Weber, Clemens von Brentano, the Brothers Grimm, Otto von Bismarck, Heinrich Heine, Arthur Schopenhauer, Robert Koch, Johannes Brahms and many others.

You read anecdotes from the Goose Girl Fountain, since 1901 is landmark of the city and learns that since 1926 the figure of the sculptor Paul portraits may no longer be kissed. Göttingen was already in the 13 Century city rights. The city's history is briefly sketched here and will not forget to mention that you can shop between Jacobi district, and St. Alban Accouchierhaus well and enjoy. is pointed

among others, the St. Alban's Church, is also seen in a photograph. In today's architecture, it is the youngest of the medieval churches of the city. Art historically interesting is the altar by Hans Geismar.

In the course of the book you will learn the Southtown know which impresses with its beautiful old mansions. Not far from this part of town is a 15-acre lake that used to all sorts of leisure activities is. The Ostviertel of Göttingen is characterized by residential, parks and observatories. The two observatories operated by the university. 1833 there written history of science. Carl-Friedrich Gauss and his colleague Wilhelm Weber presented here produced the first telegraph line in the world between the observatory and Physics Institute in Papendiek.

The new town of Gottingen also be mentioned before the history-oriented Hann. Lead gets to know more detail. In the listed old town, there are over 700 half-timbered houses spanning six centuries. The three-river town is between Weser and long Kaufinger forest. In Hann. Lead the way, died in the famous traveling physician Johann Andreas Eisenbarth, which provides still for tourist hype. Also worth seeing are the buildings in the Weser Renaissance style, including the Town Hall and the Main Building of the castle, but also the oldest stone bridge in Lower Saxony, the Werra bridge.

Man learns of high recreational value of the place Dransfeld. As you can see a picture, the landscape shows there is very idyllic. In the Gauss-Museum in Dransfeld one can admire a replica of the way, he invented heliotrope. With this solar mirror could make remote measurements of scientists visible.

in Norten-Hardenberg is the count's estate, which helped the city to economic prosperity, as is shown in greater detail. The manor house, now a Relais and Chateau Hotel is each year by 250 000 tourists. Perhaps you can find in the gourmet restaurant "Novalis" the "Blue Flower", which can look for the gifted descendant of the House by one of its protagonists.

© 2010 Trends and Lifestyle Göttingen
André Chales de Beaulieu / Umschau
are presented
Closer including several restaurants, fashion shops, a very nice pub, the "Villa Cuba", which is organized by students, professors, tourists and South Americans Göttingen like to visit a furniture store, an optician, a wine and deli a nursery, a business that sells allerei lifestyle items and fashion accessories, the stores of two fashion designers on site, a nice coffee shop, even the studio and gallery of Uta Very, whose art show will briefly sketched. Also interesting is the report of the jewelry designer, Martina Fischer and the description of the gallery and the Art Museum Nottbohm, which presents selected exhibits on two floors of different artists and styles.
About the "Göttinger Symphony Orchestra" one learns to know. Next year marks the big 150-year anniversary with numerous concerts. One more reason to visit Göttingen and its surroundings and the opportunity to convince itself from the economic prosperity of the region and to the survival of which contribute something.


Photos: © 2010 Trends and Lifestyle Göttingen / André Chales de Beaulieu / Umschau

Friday, January 14, 2011

Hack Sidekick 09 For Internet

review:: Trends & Lifestyle Göttingen and its surroundings (Hardcover)

Dorothy Harbour defines so-called energy vampires as people who perceive themselves as less vital than their surroundings. In these people, the energy flow is blocked more or less. Instead of their energy stores under their own re-populate, relocate it to theft, extortion and robbery (see: p. 11). These people live off the life force of habit to their fellow man, as it were like vampires, the blood of their victims to do at the feast.

The author divided these people into "Love Vampire", "power vampires" and "fear of vampires." A "Dear Vampire" understands a person who in the partnership or in the family, the people around him constantly "tapping". Sometimes he wants to be comforted, or do you have to apologize because we have done him wrong or he supposedly seeks attention, our love and devotion to steer up. "Vampire power", however, are leaders and leading figures in all professional and personal areas, the drunk in every respect to their power. These people rob her admirers, fans and their subordinates or otherwise dependent persons the totality of energy, by directing them on board and use for themselves. The "fear vampire" is finally blocked in his life energy in a very profound level, and generally disturbed mentally ill or a high degree. In order to achieve impact on people, they destroy the relationship and undermine the self-confidence. (See: p.11-12) result in the rapidly ensnared the impression has to be caught and lose his driving force rapidly is.

The author makes it understandable in the episode, as it is possible to obtain access to the cosmic energy pool to address its energy shortage and resolve Energieblokaden. Energy deficits be caused by a contraction outweigh extraction. This means we are tense, we are in constant defensive posture, stress, and in a perpetual fight. All that which our soul, but also our body naturally, that is not relaxed by alcohol and drugs, contributes to recover from the energy balance, (see: p. 18). Far more dubious than temporary cramping, are inappropriate, sensitive anti-education, as the author notes. A drill-imposed by the education ban expression, such as tears or facial expressions, leads to the fear and anger builds up and Duration of the inner tension power plant out. Supply shortage has finally Energievampirismus to the result.

basis of a multilateral, illuminating questionnaire can bring in experience, as it is with the personal inner power structure, and subsequently learn to overcome energy-lowering pattern. We learn how people with a strong control me "tick", as well as the powerless "collapse-I" works. People from the type of the "collapse-I" draw power through gestures, often energetically through an elaborate system of terror to their environment by seeking to leach completely for family and friends as Energispender.

is shown how by means of specific exercises that can be seen from the accompanying CD, your energy level increased again and the attacks of the energy vampires met by love to all forms of negativity into a positive transform. In this way, protect them from the energy vampires much more satisfactorily than by simple definition, because it may help them build their own energies and third-party independent. to calm

The idea of a loving behavior energy-poor people and give them an environment in which they can build self-energy without fear, I think is realizable, because I believe that everything can be cured by love. Why not also an energy vampire?

worth reading for all who are open to deal with spiritual perspectives.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Horse Swollen Knee Infected

review crafts, Design, art and tradition of St. Gallen and surroundings [Paperback]

This lavishly illustrated book was brought by the author and photographer Christina Hitzfeld Daniel Schvarcz on the road. On language and crafts, design, art and tradition come to St. Gallen and its surroundings.

At the very beginning you can make is knowledgeable on a map where each medium-sized Companies that are discussed in the book are located.

first one is very well informed about the textile town of St. Gallen, which was famous in the Middle Ages for its cloth trade in the world. In 1336 the first order for the screen industry was adopted in the city. If the substance of a dealer claims the non-audit commission were enough had to be woven at once torn. In this way the reputation for high quality was assured. The long-distance trade by large merchants resulted in a significant increase in sales. St. Gallen was talking in foreign trade agencies and operated the first regular European coach connections to Nuremberg and Lyons, (see p. 13).

As the linen in the 18th Century was replaced by cotton, the St. Galler responded quickly to the changing market situation and dominated a little later with cotton muslin fabrics market. In Lyon, the merchants met by chance as Turkish hand embroidered silk fabrics embroideresses her. From then on the St. Gallen cotton fabrics were also embroidered. As early as 1790 40 000 Ostschweizer embroiderers worked at St. Gallen merchants, (vgl.S. 14).

In the 19th Century was ushered in with the invention of the Schiffli embroidery machine and the first machine, the industrial age. From now on, stood for many women Most workers only jobs available such as threading or Nachsticken. In Homework embroidered many small farmers, St Gallen Strickereimaschinen substances, which the business was booming with the embroidered fabrics more and more. After sales problems in the last century, the St. Gallen textile industry has again earned a top position in international comparison.

In the book the "Bischoff Textil AG," "Magnolia Design" are presented in more detail, and we learn interesting facts about the St. Gallen Textile Museum, is the author of a textile memory of the city. In the context of temporary exhibitions on the second floor contemporary issues are addressed on the subject of textiles.

The craft was held in St. Gallen general golden soil and is as old and venerable as the city itself, not least because of the Benedictine monastery of St. Gall, the food industry flourished during the Middle Ages already. Today, the St. Galler artisans work for customers throughout Switzerland, but also in Austria and Germany. Their quality work is in demand everywhere.

be further presented a St. Gallen goldsmith, a parquet floor publishers from sinking, a St. Gallen furniture maker, a metal worker. This design exercise of his trade this one in the tradition of Hephaestus, only just re-interpreted. has

especially like my contribution to Kaspar Freuler "Trompe-l` oeil and mural painting, a technique that can be seen on the inner walls of old castles. Freuler subject choice shows that he can by all Mediterranean Impressions homes brighten tremendously noble.

The chapter tradition is preceded by a beautiful quote: "Maintaining tradition is not to keep the ashes, but keep embers glowing." (Jean Jaurès, 1859-1914). Hitzfeld reflected in the sequence first, the term tradition and then presented traditional crafts, including one learns the work of the watchmaker Lisa Anderson know, also a silversmith and other traditional crafts more.

Also you get to know artists from the region. Sonja Züblin from Schwarzenbach creates delicate paper cuttings, Agnes Walder modeled magical figures and Johanna Schneider is an abstract painter whose work we learn about in the book to know. Walter B. Probst creates wonderful sculptures. His studio, you can see in Sevelen. fallen

In its design me the objects of René and Ruth Kammermann particularly well. The light objects combine the aspects of art and light in an impressive Art

A successful book, which I continue to recommend you.

to forget: The addresses of the craftsmen are listed on the last pages.

The city of St. Gallen views are welcome to visit this charming old town, and this makes the book well-drawn is not added back into a deep sleep, but by mid-sized activity draws attention to himself.

The reviewed product is available in stores everywhere.
© 2010 Daniel Schvarcz, Umschau