Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Electric Handheld Skipbo

review: Berthold Gunster: Yes, but what if it works?

The blurb of this readable book, I noticed that the author Berthold Gunster the founder and "father" of the "Yes -but-philosophy ", whose goal is to make potential problems. The author clarifies at the outset of the book that all "yes-buts" give the impression of any renewal or modification trial sink into a quagmire of arguments, well-intentioned warnings and verständisvoller criticism. For the author is "yes-but" a closed attitude, thinking in limitations, fears and pessimism, which outbraking, freeze and a halt to the result, has (see: p. 7).

In contrast to this "yes-but" - though there is also the "yes-and-living", not with a verdict, but always begins with a question. The Dutchman Bert Gunster does not mention that many German act on a "yes-but" background, because their mentality (check, check and check again) has conditioned them in this regard.

"yes-but-men" to destroy not only any idea, they can ruin whole farms and whole industries. "

"yes-men and question them. You see the hair and the soup."

They are enlightening quotes from this book, I think.

Gunster remains true to life in his text and again and again to examples that I at this point, however, does not set out, as this is beyond the scope of the review. The "yes" and "is not to accept oneself, but an acceptance and this is an active act of surrendering. Anyone who accepts the reality, has no problem with it. The more one accepts the facts, the better can be influenced situations. In this seemingly contradictory Thought is based, the basic idea of the book (see: p.19).

"yes-but" people are loud Gunster never really something, but never really something. Basically these people are not in life, but they regard it only. The author stresses that persons of this kind in its worst form alls and know-all - are in arrears, (see: p. 20). People with a "yes-but" - go practice through life, have high expectations and they perceive the reality, overwhelmed by expectations, only limited to see opportunities and possibilities to do with decisions not easy and take intuitive mostly the wrong overthrow at once in the activism and go seamlessly into the evaluation of, (see: p. 24). Yes, but attitudes are the basis for professions such as that of the accountant or auditor. can not be creative with such an attitude is.

is the source of "yes-but" attitude is always the fear. For the "yes" and "attitude on the other hand trust and love are the basis and prerequisite for" no "because" there are control, distrust, and also fear. Sticking to rules (norms, intentions, arrangements) is a typical feature of a "yes-but" practice dar. This is not the logic or common sense that drives a decision but the rules (cf.: p.36) are

Another feature is the fear of social exclusion, that is against group exclusion. Who is ready to protect themselves do not always make all fictitious risks easier to get a yes-and-entertainment and can complete the tasks in the here and now indulge. The author asks: "Can we say with all my heart Yes to life, as if being and doing the same thing (p. 59) It is possible the results are more than satisfactory

The yes-building by Berthold?.. Gunster consists of 10 levels:

1) Say Yes to Being
2) Say Yes to reality
3) Say yes to this life
4) Say yes to your intuition
5) Say yes to your abilities
6) Say yes to your wishes
7) Say yes to your goals
8) Say Yes other
9) Say yes to everything that happens
10) Say Yes to action.

We all know that at the end of life is nothing. This fact may be the reason why many people remain in the "I" and define themselves that way. Our world is not static. Adherence to the "I am" creating lasting suffering, because you caught in this way in their own meaning is the notion of what is is. Gunster for the art, however, is to distance themselves from themselves, from time to time to hover over itself and realize that we play this earthly life as a big game with ourselves and the universe and make, (see: S .73).

The author points out that the base is a "yes" and "conduct a clear 'yes' to reality. To accept things as they are means for him to read them and accept the reality of the moment as a fact. When we are emotionally involved, we perform worse. The investigations have shown, (see: p.89). Everyone knows what it means by the rose-colored glasses to see the infatuation. :-))

step by step Gunster is with the reader, these ten "Say-Yes-floor" up. I really liked his comments in terms of intuition and his statement "Of all the species of our intelligence, intuition is the most prominent" (quote p. 127). Of course justified the author of this statement: "By logic we can conclude, resolve technical problems or errors executing a transfer, but only if we listen to our feelings, take a relaxed attitude and open to the - are often subtle signals our subconscious, we can solve complex problems intuitively. " (Zitat.: p. 127)

All writes Gunster, I can only nod in the ground. He just right, even if he says that the people who turned their attention more on their potential rather than their weaknesses, can grow more.

it is very important to accept others. The more one says goodbye to the idea of how the relationship should look to our fellow human beings, we are able to understand what others have to act carefully and with this knowledge in interaction with their respective counterparts.

Those who choose to engage in the affirmative and patterns to see is that he is more creative and more efficient than "yes-but-behavior patterns. The chance for happiness and success are increasing. Reason enough to say goodbye to "yes-but" the reality as it is to face and make the best of it.

Goethe put it succinctly: "From stones, which are being placed in the way, you can build beautiful things."

recommended because the yes-and-thinking is a really good self-help.


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