Friday, January 14, 2011

Hack Sidekick 09 For Internet

review:: Trends & Lifestyle Göttingen and its surroundings (Hardcover)

Dorothy Harbour defines so-called energy vampires as people who perceive themselves as less vital than their surroundings. In these people, the energy flow is blocked more or less. Instead of their energy stores under their own re-populate, relocate it to theft, extortion and robbery (see: p. 11). These people live off the life force of habit to their fellow man, as it were like vampires, the blood of their victims to do at the feast.

The author divided these people into "Love Vampire", "power vampires" and "fear of vampires." A "Dear Vampire" understands a person who in the partnership or in the family, the people around him constantly "tapping". Sometimes he wants to be comforted, or do you have to apologize because we have done him wrong or he supposedly seeks attention, our love and devotion to steer up. "Vampire power", however, are leaders and leading figures in all professional and personal areas, the drunk in every respect to their power. These people rob her admirers, fans and their subordinates or otherwise dependent persons the totality of energy, by directing them on board and use for themselves. The "fear vampire" is finally blocked in his life energy in a very profound level, and generally disturbed mentally ill or a high degree. In order to achieve impact on people, they destroy the relationship and undermine the self-confidence. (See: p.11-12) result in the rapidly ensnared the impression has to be caught and lose his driving force rapidly is.

The author makes it understandable in the episode, as it is possible to obtain access to the cosmic energy pool to address its energy shortage and resolve Energieblokaden. Energy deficits be caused by a contraction outweigh extraction. This means we are tense, we are in constant defensive posture, stress, and in a perpetual fight. All that which our soul, but also our body naturally, that is not relaxed by alcohol and drugs, contributes to recover from the energy balance, (see: p. 18). Far more dubious than temporary cramping, are inappropriate, sensitive anti-education, as the author notes. A drill-imposed by the education ban expression, such as tears or facial expressions, leads to the fear and anger builds up and Duration of the inner tension power plant out. Supply shortage has finally Energievampirismus to the result.

basis of a multilateral, illuminating questionnaire can bring in experience, as it is with the personal inner power structure, and subsequently learn to overcome energy-lowering pattern. We learn how people with a strong control me "tick", as well as the powerless "collapse-I" works. People from the type of the "collapse-I" draw power through gestures, often energetically through an elaborate system of terror to their environment by seeking to leach completely for family and friends as Energispender.

is shown how by means of specific exercises that can be seen from the accompanying CD, your energy level increased again and the attacks of the energy vampires met by love to all forms of negativity into a positive transform. In this way, protect them from the energy vampires much more satisfactorily than by simple definition, because it may help them build their own energies and third-party independent. to calm

The idea of a loving behavior energy-poor people and give them an environment in which they can build self-energy without fear, I think is realizable, because I believe that everything can be cured by love. Why not also an energy vampire?

worth reading for all who are open to deal with spiritual perspectives.


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