Sunday, November 28, 2010

How To Stay Awake During Basic Training

Review: Lars A. Fischinger - Forbidden History

is the provocative subtitle of this book. " Great Mysteries and what we conceal from science "

one sees by Walter-Jörg Langbein's book " 2012 end and new beginning "from I, I read in my youth, no more books that deal with materials such as Erich von Daniken she brings to the book market. Last night, however, I immersed myself in this book, which is really very exciting to read. Dc in 6th of 34 research I came across a reference to the researcher Walter-Jörg Langbein, the Fischer first mentioned in the prologue and the one in view of the "Stones of Ica" learns that he is already a year before the "revelation" on cable 1 , has released photos of the coming into play in this context, dinosaur figures (see: p.57). Who Langbein's series "Monster walls, mummies and mysteries," to read "A book!" every Sunday, read carefully knows immediately what writes Fischinger and that there actually is a still unsolved mystery of human history. Particulars "to a long-leg report of 18.04.2010 on" one-book reading.

the book:

It begins with a series of sentences of very smart people, including a sentence Albert Einstein, I used some time ago as a heading for one of my reviews: "It is difficult to break a prejudice than a atom. "

It follows the table of contents is divided into 4 major sections: Part I

- Archaeological Mysteries
Part II-traditions give riddles
Part III-The hidden side of life
Part IV - secrets of history

these four sections, the research is assumed. Before I started reading it, I certainly have first studied first with curiosity the photos in the middle of the book. There are among others the "Stones of Ica" shown.

fringe sciences are always ridiculed by science, because they deal with topics that are missing for the last evidence of the assumptions. Was there really a 65 million year old culture in Romania? Was the grave chamber in the Cheops pyramid really empty? Moses was abducted by aliens? Yuri Gagarin was really the first man in All? These are just some of the questions, which traces the author. He is fascinated by drawers with labels like "bizarre", in which the story of the enigmatic and incomprehensible from the community of modern science is banished.

The successful non-fiction author Lars A. Fischinger, who, takes just the prologue, with Walter-Jörg Langbein friends is quoted, that the match of his book: "It must all be so, it can also be very different kinds of puzzles. are apparent puzzle, some of which are made, some resist pretty stubborn too smooth explanations. " (Quote: Langbein, in his bestseller "The great mystery of the last 2500 years).

Fischinger, as can be seen from his extensive bibliography, not a talker, but he has been intensely involved with the topics and read a lot of individual research.

I have been dealing with the themes in the book too little, as I might have an opinion on what Fischinger writes. I find it inspiring to read that even in the Odenwald giant mythological beings were, because I can imagine how eager they cavorted in the local sea cliffs and dragged huge stones. :-))

no joke, Fischinger's book is highly informative and stimulating the imagination. The book reads more exciting than a thriller.

Here is the review by Walter-Jörg Langbein to "Read a book!"

The reviewed product is available in stores everywhere.


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