Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Casual Valentine's Dance Outfit

Review: Guido Eckert The mind is a scheming villain.

Some time ago I've Guido Eckert's "bitch slaves. If men love too much" read with great interest and this book is not without reason given 5 stars. The author, who has won several awards, lives with his wife and son in a small village in the Sauerland. He then retired and lives I regard this in itself already a sign of wisdom, the Eckert able to write in his book so skillfully.
illustrates In ten chapters he includes, as we are able to do it, what is essential to see how we can transform our anger, so we should live only in the present, so everything is connected, so failure is part of life but also how we can remain calm and to have no regrets.

The individual chapters, the author has preceded wise sayings that say a lot about who is influenced by his thinking. If you read the book eventually becomes clear that Robert Aitken's "ethic of Zen" for him, among many other books, has a non-negligible role. In his bibliography, although Seneca listed, the author reminds me of the style, but not Plutarch and Tolle, are also very close to him mentally. What I want to say is: Guido Eckert writes really wonderful.

What haunts the author, is the question of how as can be. Eckert refers to Wittgenstein, he notes that a so-called "uneducated" person can have more wisdom than many Intellktuelle. All those who take the love in the arms, make the first important step on the path to wisdom, so Eckert.

The author recalls the Stoic and currents of thought of other cultures when he points out that the one who controls his passions, really free. It must be clear that "mastery" does not mean oppression.

About distinction makes itself Eckert thoughts and points out that the one who insists too much on boundaries, after all never experience the love to which we are capable, because the love flow and you always want to feel they can only if it flows, (see: p.46). I agree with you, after I've been thinking about this problem a long time and my observations hired in people who have too much insisted on demarcation. Ultimately remained they lived alone and stunted inside. A condition to advance a person not if he wants to be wise. will be

as who must learn his thoughts of her inner core, ie to separate from his ego and say goodbye to states such as greed, hatred and ignorance.

Eckert shows how to avoid anger that prevents us ultimately, wise. The author cites Aitken when he wrote that as long as it is not a man managed to break the bonds of selfishness, he knew no peace of mind, but instead in a state of living, the Buddha call a delusion and Detachment, (see: S . 55).

is a result typical addictive behavior to language, which prevents them wise. The author also reflects anger, according to Anselm Green always points to deep injury. One should look at his just anger, and consider whether you have might not be given too much power over another one. In this respect could be the rage power to free themselves from the person who has too much power. It is important to familiarize yourself with your own anger and hate thoughts familiar to let go. A man-hating is never a wise man.

It is also necessary to practice humility. The lack of humility (coupled with the increase of vanity) the people prevents them to be aware of its weaknesses, meet, and finally, to be (see: p. 84). Just as it is.

Guido Eckert lets the reader know that you have to learn to "be transparent". "What does it matter the moon when he barks at a dog," is the correct attitude towards penetrating behavior of others. The sage is free from resentment and anger when a third party romp pushing. He takes no notice of such third parties and which instead deals with things that bring him more recognition in this world. would be

as who can be forgiven. Gandhi, quoted by Eckert said: "The weak can not . Forgive Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong. "Who gives, has the chance to heal old wounds that can. For example, it is clear that human coexistence is only possible if one forgives.

We learn further that good mood and cheerfulness is a sign of wisdom always. ill-tempered, always clamoring people will never become wise. The wise will be have to let go and allowed to go to other people so that we live in peace with ourselves, because only then also thrives peace and love around us.

mindfulness way, is also important on the way to wisdom and conscious living in the now. When we step Step, currently, we deprive ourselves of unnecessary fear of problems that are often head births.

is important not to enter into the spiral of accusations, self-pity, hate, pain and worry, but instead freely loving to live by these counter-productive structures of our inflated ego in the now and only in the now. "Carpe diem" is the motto, if you want to be wise.

who ceases to be cheap to stop grumbling and nagging and therefore unsatisfied. "At the moment we cease to value ourselves and condemn, we condemn not our partner." Self-esteem is the basic requirement to respect for others. Those who despise others and themselves, will never reach the state of wisdom, is ultimately a state of perfect love coming.

I will not say too much about the book content, but hold on summing up that Guido Eckert has drawn me again by his prudence in its spell. Even now I am looking forward to another book of Plutarch in the here and now.
The reviewed product is available in stores everywhere.


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