Sunday, November 28, 2010

How To Stay Awake During Basic Training

Review: Lars A. Fischinger - Forbidden History

is the provocative subtitle of this book. " Great Mysteries and what we conceal from science "

one sees by Walter-Jörg Langbein's book " 2012 end and new beginning "from I, I read in my youth, no more books that deal with materials such as Erich von Daniken she brings to the book market. Last night, however, I immersed myself in this book, which is really very exciting to read. Dc in 6th of 34 research I came across a reference to the researcher Walter-Jörg Langbein, the Fischer first mentioned in the prologue and the one in view of the "Stones of Ica" learns that he is already a year before the "revelation" on cable 1 , has released photos of the coming into play in this context, dinosaur figures (see: p.57). Who Langbein's series "Monster walls, mummies and mysteries," to read "A book!" every Sunday, read carefully knows immediately what writes Fischinger and that there actually is a still unsolved mystery of human history. Particulars "to a long-leg report of 18.04.2010 on" one-book reading.

the book:

It begins with a series of sentences of very smart people, including a sentence Albert Einstein, I used some time ago as a heading for one of my reviews: "It is difficult to break a prejudice than a atom. "

It follows the table of contents is divided into 4 major sections: Part I

- Archaeological Mysteries
Part II-traditions give riddles
Part III-The hidden side of life
Part IV - secrets of history

these four sections, the research is assumed. Before I started reading it, I certainly have first studied first with curiosity the photos in the middle of the book. There are among others the "Stones of Ica" shown.

fringe sciences are always ridiculed by science, because they deal with topics that are missing for the last evidence of the assumptions. Was there really a 65 million year old culture in Romania? Was the grave chamber in the Cheops pyramid really empty? Moses was abducted by aliens? Yuri Gagarin was really the first man in All? These are just some of the questions, which traces the author. He is fascinated by drawers with labels like "bizarre", in which the story of the enigmatic and incomprehensible from the community of modern science is banished.

The successful non-fiction author Lars A. Fischinger, who, takes just the prologue, with Walter-Jörg Langbein friends is quoted, that the match of his book: "It must all be so, it can also be very different kinds of puzzles. are apparent puzzle, some of which are made, some resist pretty stubborn too smooth explanations. " (Quote: Langbein, in his bestseller "The great mystery of the last 2500 years).

Fischinger, as can be seen from his extensive bibliography, not a talker, but he has been intensely involved with the topics and read a lot of individual research.

I have been dealing with the themes in the book too little, as I might have an opinion on what Fischinger writes. I find it inspiring to read that even in the Odenwald giant mythological beings were, because I can imagine how eager they cavorted in the local sea cliffs and dragged huge stones. :-))

no joke, Fischinger's book is highly informative and stimulating the imagination. The book reads more exciting than a thriller.

Here is the review by Walter-Jörg Langbein to "Read a book!"

The reviewed product is available in stores everywhere.

Friday, November 19, 2010

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Review: Jane Goodall my life for animals and nature 50 years Gombe

In this wonderful, richly illustrated book of the British primatologist Dr. Jane Goodall (03/04/1934) I have first seen the many beautiful photos, before I get the text of the researcher, which were written with the assistance of the Jane Goodall-Institute read have.

Goodall delivered in the course of her life a significant contribution to behavioral research on primates by long-term behavioral studies of wild chimpanzees, particularly in the "Gombe Stream Chimpanzee Reserve in Tanzania ". In 1965 she founded the Gombe Stream Research Center" and in 1976 the Jane Goodall Institute for Wildlife Research, Education in Conservation "by which they presented further research on chimpanzees secure.

After an introduction by Mary Smith and an Introduction by Jane Goodall, one can then in the work of deepening Goodall. The researcher, who came in 1960 in the rain forest of Tanzania to study chimpanzees, has already consulted during her childhood in London with the study of animals. We read how they overcame all the obstacles as a young woman to finally pursue their life task. Based on the extensive photographic material, one may know them as a child and young woman Watch and learn it well in the first Gombe expedition.

This researcher was the world made aware that any chimpanzee is an individual with its own personality, characteristics and quirks (see: p. 37). You can see Goodall on a picture that emerged in the 1960s and finds that, having successfully completed research days in the evening always worked out Your Notes on the behavior of chimpanzees and they can always do with animal observations. The pictures of the chimpanzees I studied with great pleasure.

The research that Dr. Goodall began in 1960, has been continued since then and focus on some 100 chimpanzees, living in Gombe National Park. The current research also includes long-term studies of baboons and short-term studies in monkeys butts and slim the region.

Man is informed that Goodall and other scientists from more than 200 scientific study reports, 35 dissertations, 30 books, many films and have produced hundreds of articles (see: p.61) and is about biology and behavior of animals informed, know their tools and read more to family groups, that is, to chimpanzees society.

are very enlightening 'pages 73-74 in the book. has collected Here you can learn concrete facts about chimpanzees that Goodall as part of a 50-year longitudinal study. The DNA of chimpanzees differs from that of man only just over one percent. We read in view of these facts, details on food and the tools of social behavior, communication patterns, the phases of life, society, reproduction and the sense of family.

Male chimpanzees sometimes perform a special show in front of a thunderstorm. Causes of fights are always rank disputes, defense of family members and frustrations that are degraded by the fact that are smaller, weaker conspecifics attacked. It should also lead to struggles for food and for sex partners, (see: p. 76).

We read further that in the woods from Tanzania, Burundi and Uganda, in the dense rain forests of the Congo Basin and West Africa were once up to two million chimpanzees. When the timber companies penetrated into the woods, a restricted habitat of these animals. You can find out more on page 85 Today there are only approximately 300 000 wild chimpanzees. That each year poachers kill thousands of them, is also a fact that comes in the book for discussion.

What can we learn from chimpanzees? Maybe that long mutual grooming the consolidation of friendship and relaxation is used. Perhaps also that some Schimpansinnen have a lot of sex appeal and popular old, experienced Schimpansinnen in men as young, nervous are. (See p. 73). From this perspective, the question many men, "Should I make a monkey?" a whole new dimension. grins

A great book.

The reviewed product is available in stores everywhere.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

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Review: Guido Eckert The mind is a scheming villain.

Some time ago I've Guido Eckert's "bitch slaves. If men love too much" read with great interest and this book is not without reason given 5 stars. The author, who has won several awards, lives with his wife and son in a small village in the Sauerland. He then retired and lives I regard this in itself already a sign of wisdom, the Eckert able to write in his book so skillfully.
illustrates In ten chapters he includes, as we are able to do it, what is essential to see how we can transform our anger, so we should live only in the present, so everything is connected, so failure is part of life but also how we can remain calm and to have no regrets.

The individual chapters, the author has preceded wise sayings that say a lot about who is influenced by his thinking. If you read the book eventually becomes clear that Robert Aitken's "ethic of Zen" for him, among many other books, has a non-negligible role. In his bibliography, although Seneca listed, the author reminds me of the style, but not Plutarch and Tolle, are also very close to him mentally. What I want to say is: Guido Eckert writes really wonderful.

What haunts the author, is the question of how as can be. Eckert refers to Wittgenstein, he notes that a so-called "uneducated" person can have more wisdom than many Intellktuelle. All those who take the love in the arms, make the first important step on the path to wisdom, so Eckert.

The author recalls the Stoic and currents of thought of other cultures when he points out that the one who controls his passions, really free. It must be clear that "mastery" does not mean oppression.

About distinction makes itself Eckert thoughts and points out that the one who insists too much on boundaries, after all never experience the love to which we are capable, because the love flow and you always want to feel they can only if it flows, (see: p.46). I agree with you, after I've been thinking about this problem a long time and my observations hired in people who have too much insisted on demarcation. Ultimately remained they lived alone and stunted inside. A condition to advance a person not if he wants to be wise. will be

as who must learn his thoughts of her inner core, ie to separate from his ego and say goodbye to states such as greed, hatred and ignorance.

Eckert shows how to avoid anger that prevents us ultimately, wise. The author cites Aitken when he wrote that as long as it is not a man managed to break the bonds of selfishness, he knew no peace of mind, but instead in a state of living, the Buddha call a delusion and Detachment, (see: S . 55).

is a result typical addictive behavior to language, which prevents them wise. The author also reflects anger, according to Anselm Green always points to deep injury. One should look at his just anger, and consider whether you have might not be given too much power over another one. In this respect could be the rage power to free themselves from the person who has too much power. It is important to familiarize yourself with your own anger and hate thoughts familiar to let go. A man-hating is never a wise man.

It is also necessary to practice humility. The lack of humility (coupled with the increase of vanity) the people prevents them to be aware of its weaknesses, meet, and finally, to be (see: p. 84). Just as it is.

Guido Eckert lets the reader know that you have to learn to "be transparent". "What does it matter the moon when he barks at a dog," is the correct attitude towards penetrating behavior of others. The sage is free from resentment and anger when a third party romp pushing. He takes no notice of such third parties and which instead deals with things that bring him more recognition in this world. would be

as who can be forgiven. Gandhi, quoted by Eckert said: "The weak can not . Forgive Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong. "Who gives, has the chance to heal old wounds that can. For example, it is clear that human coexistence is only possible if one forgives.

We learn further that good mood and cheerfulness is a sign of wisdom always. ill-tempered, always clamoring people will never become wise. The wise will be have to let go and allowed to go to other people so that we live in peace with ourselves, because only then also thrives peace and love around us.

mindfulness way, is also important on the way to wisdom and conscious living in the now. When we step Step, currently, we deprive ourselves of unnecessary fear of problems that are often head births.

is important not to enter into the spiral of accusations, self-pity, hate, pain and worry, but instead freely loving to live by these counter-productive structures of our inflated ego in the now and only in the now. "Carpe diem" is the motto, if you want to be wise.

who ceases to be cheap to stop grumbling and nagging and therefore unsatisfied. "At the moment we cease to value ourselves and condemn, we condemn not our partner." Self-esteem is the basic requirement to respect for others. Those who despise others and themselves, will never reach the state of wisdom, is ultimately a state of perfect love coming.

I will not say too much about the book content, but hold on summing up that Guido Eckert has drawn me again by his prudence in its spell. Even now I am looking forward to another book of Plutarch in the here and now.
The reviewed product is available in stores everywhere.

Cute Short Poofy Dresses

Review: Auto Legends: Classics of Style and Design (Hardcover)

In front of my dream book Lovers of beautiful, highly erotic cars. Before I report on this book, I like to make a short trip I took in the mid 1980s, together with my husband and two friends sometime in May in southern England, but not at me, as otherwise usual in museums reside, but "only" for the purpose, I take pleasure in beautiful old English cars.

I met in London "Coys of Kensington," a mecca for lovers of exclusive British car manufacturing, to know and waited around Arundel many small garages, which covered old treasures to new lovers. We all wanted to buy a car but only admire them. And I stressed ecstatic about the fenders of old Bentleys, a sensual experience of the shapely curves and looked at me long for the thick layers of paint in an old Rolls-Royce that once belonged to the Dupont family of industrialists in the United States. I was fascinated by the smell of aged leather, which after so many decades are invited to sit comfortably. I slept on the return journey to Arundel in a canopy bed, I will also mention and that I was there the whole night by a car dreamed that I could now admire in the book again. It is the "Bentley R Type Continental from 1952, of which a total of only 208 copies were produced and up to 15 copies, all provided with a Mulliner body are.

The Book of British Auto Legends contains a wealth of images of one of the world's best automotive photographers Michel Zumbrunn and highly informative text by Richard Heseltine.

In the 19-page introduction we learn among other things historically about the history of the British motor industry, but also that it owes its existence to the Germans Gottlieb Daimler, the first automaker Britain gave its name. In 1900, the "Automobile Club of Great Britain was established, but other than gifted and entrepreneurial engineers, as Herbert Austin, had the most British manufacturers no real chance because they do not understand how the economy works.

As a result, we read how the UK industry survived the initial period and began to reposition themselves. Then is described the inexorable rise of the British automotive industry and also from the days when Fortuna adopted. Rolls-Roys and Bentley owners now have a German. As Heseltine stated that the two brands could indeed prosper under its new ownership, but it lacks the vehicles now on the specifically "British" (see p. 26).

The book UK car legends will be introduced by 1907 to 1998. The vehicles will be shown in different perspectives. One sees sometimes close-ups of the interior, engine, other design components. As part of the texts is explained in all the essentials for each car.

I'm a Bentley fan, like me, of course, the 1926 created "Six and a half liter Bentley Speed Six" from the start. He was once considered the ultimate British sports car and was incredibly fast. The solid line six-cylinder overhead cam with four valves was and two spark plugs per cylinder at that time quite advanced.

Beautiful also is the "HRG 1500" from 1935, showed good handling characteristics, which he placed in races to the test. But even more beautiful is the "Jaguar SS 100" of 1935, which one is one of the most beautiful sports cars of the prewar period. With mounted windshield and the roof closed, the car is certainly not as elegant as open.

It is impossible for all the models to focus. The Aston Martin DB2 "from 1950 has a traditional British look. Most interesting are the technical information for the "Jaguar Type C" from 1951, which instantly in the same year won the 24 Hours of Le Mans. The inside of the vehicle is shown in the book. The classic XK-line six-cylinder looks stunningly beautiful.

A feast for the eyes even of the "MG TF Midget" in 1953 and the "Jaguar MKII from the 1959. Whether the "Jaguar E-type" of 1961 was really nice, I doubt, from today's perspective, but it is the most important car of all time. With other critics, I believe that the relatively steep windshield disturbs the line.

The following is a series of other cars in which to me the "Rolls Royce Corniche in 1971 like the best. The luxurious topless model reached the 100 km / h from the state the way in 9, 6 seconds.

In the final pages, you can know about by Herbert Austin, Walter Owen Bentley, Sir David Brown, Colin Chapman, Cecil Kimber, Sir William Lyons, Lionel Martin, Charles Stewart Rolls, Henry Royce and Sir Malcolm Sayer read and delve into the concepts and styles in the automotive sector. A list of museums and collections concludes this absolutely recommendable book.

If I had the choice between a woman and the "Bentley Continental R TYPE" I would clearly choose the Bentley. Grins.

The reviewed product is available in stores everywhere.

Friday, November 12, 2010

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Review: Lothar Seiwert: Simplify your time

Prof. Lothar Seiwert has written a very good book on time management, which I both content Like both of her presentation. The illustrations by Werner Tiki Kustenmacher I find extremely funny.

At the outset, the author lists seven-time errors and explained in the following, among other things why not always better and faster is not necessarily the one success that makes a lot.

Seiwert gives numerous tips on how to escape the meaningless stressful time rat race, in which many people everyday and not go into it should turn back on for no reason, to slow down and just enjoy the moment (cf. S. 45) to recharge your energy and in this way to be creative.

His strategies like me to breathe, because they show that here to submit a cumbersome bureaucratic advice. What Seiwert has to say about the Internet equivalent, in my opinion. He proclaims:

-Take more than two or three times a day target time for answering your emails

-Communicate with your desk-not neighbors via mail

-Do not start the morning same the computer and retrieve their mail. (Quotes: p.57)

Bravo! True, you have to keep the balance between quality of life and communication stress.

"Multitasting" said one learns more, has concluded that the concentration decreases, the error rate is higher, and among others, the stress increases. Breakfast items as one after the other, the concentration is better to lower the error rate and success are the results later. Actually, is expected to be clear.

Seiwert shows error for error on well understood and calls for, to take breaks, because the only way to work creatively and effectively.

On pages 89ff is a test. Here you can determine which type you are. In question are the turbo-type ideas-type manager type and the exact type. I did the test and had registered a clear result. The exact type I'm not. : To act)) The description of my true nature, but to exact. Funny. Very nice, what should Seifert. I'll make a note of good for future projects :-))

Zeitmanangement means to achieve a lot with simple methods. This is possible if one sets priorities, properly planned, tasks, outputs, Info-off stress and creates order. How this works, the author described on p. 159 ff considered individually for each of the above types. In order to achieve a harmonious

"simplify-life", it is necessary to choose consciously and deliberately abstain. By then, if you have read this book, you realize how important it is to organize his time and is to consider exactly when it makes sense to act and when to better drinking a glass of wine with his friends.

A clever book. Recommended.

Minor Parental Consent Abortion

Review: As you look at the astrology every day exploit do

where to put the Virgo lover? If you want to have the following and answer many other questions, then read this book.

born in 1939 in the U.S. Author Gary Goldschneider has once studied literature and medicine and has been working 40 years in astrology. This book will appeal to all concerned with Astrology deal, because there is a broad overview of the behavioral patterns of each Zodiac sign of life in different fields.

Thematisert the behavior patterns of all Zodiac
-in business: as a boss, employee, customer, business partner and competitor
-in love: at the Rendezvous, in the relationship, at a Äffäre and behavior as an ex
-with friends and family: as a friend, roommate, parent, sibling and child

I have the first statements to me - I'm a typical Gemini reviewed. Almost everything Goldschneider says is valid. Then I checked the characterization of each zodiac sign also for family members and friends. Also since met all the specifications on the whole. I marvel not, because I already for decades dealing with the topic and am really surprised that so many people reject this age-old knowledge vehemently because they feel uncomfortable, in character and thus determined to be transparent.

The behavioral patterns are each listed in detail, for example:

is portrayed the Aquarian partner briefly, then explains:
-A Wassermann the business partner make
task distribution with the Aquarian partner
-business and events with the Aquarian partner
-The direct Aquarius business partners and lead
-In the long run with the Aquarian partner
-Separation of the Aquarian partner
In this way all of the constellations in all areas of life, which I have already referred briefly to be put under the microscope.

Curious, I've read the chapter on competition. That was very revealing. No less instructive is to learn better with whom you affairs and who received no you better not marry. :-))

I am one of those people who always want to know under what zodiac sign people I meet are born, because then I know how to deal generally unnecessary conflict.


The reviewed product is available in stores everywhere.

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Review: Rabenbrüder-Noll satire

Whimsical and sarcastic undertones in the Ingrid Noll's new novel, "Raven brethren". Shown is

an all- other than treatment bourgeois family in which the emotional rather under-tempered, bourgeois mother (woman of about sixty) provides by its conduct that both her much older husband, and her two, in their eyes basically incompetent sons (people who how can we know the author, just stuck in a marriage-financial or midlife crisis) completely mentally unstable.

So taking her senile husband for years the role of Familienhypochonders in order to secure this way the full attention of his wife. The two, in Mutters near infantile-looking sons, insane have developed strategies to be seen by Ms Mama. In competing for favors envy of the others for a possible bit of CEDAW regarding the intangible or tangible gift from their distance to thoughtful, cool mother.

These pathological mother-focusing has the consequence that when one of her sons, both the wife and the mistress of a subordinate position to take in his emotional life, resulting in considerable turmoil. The other son is so much by the wind, that long-term relationships take place the first place. Being on this matter is accordingly Appetenzgebahren angle. Moreover, in this crazy driving, "according to Noll," various People on the track. Finally finds the sinister family world, absurd way, her abrupt end.

sharp tongue, as always, it Ingrid Noll succeeded in their submitted story that reveal themselves on the zeitgeist blind exploratory behavior of persons of various academic and professional groups hold many a reader by the mirror!

The reviewed product is available in stores everywhere.

Friday, November 5, 2010

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review: is revenge a food that can be enjoyed cold (Hardcover)

" Any kind of vindictiveness violates the very core of our self ." (Karen Horney).
Katharina Maier discussed in this book, the phenomenon of revenge in history and literature. In the introduction she points out that revenge is an ancient, universal phenomenon. Already in äyptischen, Babylonian and Greek myths, including the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Bible is revenge for the language.

is considered the first anthropological revenge and deterrence is most effective when they are not even out, but that threat. Vengeance belongs, says the author, in the area of the "law of the jungle" and is therefore a primitive heritage from prehistoric times, (see: p. 9).

revenge always results from situations of injustice would otherwise provide appropriate action "mere" aggression. An act of "revenge" then is a negative action when the actor first damage has been inflicted. The Avenger is thus an Triggering. This raises once to the question of whether someone has committed a wrong objective. As long as one of the subjective view is that a third party has done a little what you do not deserve, you may act out of revenge. Will the Avengers, they were first victims.

Dornseiff John writes in his study of "law and revenge", the "re-injuring Do," a natural successor to the "made good vision will" is. Maier grounded in the episode, why revenge is always personal, and why they must be separated from our sense of justice.

revenge is one of the major themes that tell the people since the beginning of time. The author demonstrates this by exploring The origins of the revenge of the gods' vengeance in the Bible, writes also there to-find record "Vengeance is mine, I will repay," and the many revenge stories "of the book of books" in their thinking can be included. Revenge was in the Old Testament strictly regulated by the way, but certainly the law.

Maier points to the heroes of vengeance at the gates of Troy, among others addressed the myth of "Orestes and Elektra, "the feud company focused in the Middle Ages and forget in this context is not the" mentioned Nibelungenlied. "The relevant considerations, I have read with great interest. Krimhild was not only the incarnation of anarchy revenge, but also the manifestation of military femininity ( . vgl.S. 98) So I also see that I quote Maier's remarkable conclusion. "At the end, the attempt to eradicate the Warlike-feminine. By the death of over-Krimhilde avenger may succeed superficial. But his only act, the patriarchal society shaken to its foundations and it is this impression that the image of the powerful, sword-wielding Krimhilde, the the reader is. "is exactly it.

Maier deals extensively with the subject of revenge and Christianity, the honorary land and revenge tragedies of the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Shakespeare's revenge tragedy, the author analyzed with as much detail as the idealistic revenge dramas of Goethe and . Schiller Heinrich Kleist's "Michael Kohlhaas" is dedicated to the author an entire chapter to your interpretation is successful I recommend to anyone who deals with Kohlhaas, pages 178 -.. read 185 and perform for seminar work in footnotes

. Those who speak of revenge, of course, must also speak of the "Count of Monte Cristo, the Revenge works Dumas, the history tells of a great wrong. The author makes it clear why this novel is a romantic idea is inherent. Dumas suggests namely that it depends solely on the strength of character of an individual, whether a good personal revenge does not lead to disaster or, (see: p. 195).

Maier drives its Rachanalyse forward to the present day and stated that it is useless revenge impulses and fantasies simply deny and suppress. If they live out mentally decreases the likelihood that we do it in reality.

A very interesting book to read, I recommend you.

The reviewed This product is available in stores everywhere.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

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Review: Women and their books-Johannes Thiele

" Read is a free dream " (Jean Paul Sartre)

This truly wonderful book with a foreword by Christine Westermann is about us women and our love of books. 100 illustrations of paintings Lesener women illustrate the highly informative text.

Johannes Thiele mentions in his article "The read-luck charm and enchantment," Harold Bloom and his work "The Art of Reading". Bloom reflects where the "correct" reading. He is convinced that we read not only because there are not enough People can know, but also because the friendship is so vulnerable, because it is so likely to decrease or even disappear, overcome by space, time, imperfect sympathies and all the worries of family and love life. (See: p.14)

Ulrich Greiner, called the paper also gives in his "Literature Guide" is not merely an instruction to read fine literature, but also arises the question of why we read novels. He is convinced that escapism was the actual reason for this, saying a need to escape is the main drive of the passion for reading also. He believes that these are not aligned in an approximate Nowhere Lead but to create a reality of their own quality, a counter-reality, which can then have greater validity than the original one. (Cf: p. 17)

Man of the passion for reading "Madame Bovary" and the right to learn "Bovarysmus", that is, to see the novel as the law of life. We learn: "Bovarysmus means the direct and sole satisfaction of our feelings: The imagination is rampant, vibrate the nerves, the heart races, splash the Adrinalin out, the identification work in all directions, and keeps the brain (temporarily) a daily X a Roman-like U. "(quote p. 20/21)

One learns has also been that appeared 1750-1800 over 5000 new titles in fiction, Germany and read almost exclusively by women. This fact meant that they began to stigmatize the passion of reading women. The aim was to control women now in their reading habits and to check exactly what and how much a woman reads.

We read of therapeutic effect of literature, yet it was still up in the 19 Century convinced that the female fantasy novels arouse confusion and misconceptions. But then began the reading woman to paint more often. This is documented in the book vividly. The Sujekt the reading woman lead us straight in the middle of the female existence, one experiences there. (See: p.27)

The literary scholar Ruth Wiser stated that women read differently than men. In the book outlines how in practical terms means wiser. "Men do when they read, study" concludes Hannelore Schlaffer "women feel." Perhaps Schlaffer is right. I'm actually in the end a man ?:-((

As a result, we read of the female passion of reading and reflections about all the beautiful pictures made with women reading. Fragonard's "Girl Reading" is of course included, and also "A Girl Reading" by Albert Joseph Moore. The image interpretations I studied with the greatest interest. I will, however, none of the 100 images emphasize a Interpreation actually play, although I am not only Renoir's painting "Reading" motivated. A very high praise for the successful description of this and other magical subjects.

headings such as "reading in the bathroom", "garden" reading, "The feeling of the object one", "read dreams" or "Immersed in books" make you curious. I like "Beatrice" by Stillman, as these readers can look pensive and wistfully at the same time. We women in the here and now are unable to watch Sun have

addition to enlightening me the texts to the pictures inserted aphorisms and maxims of well-known writers and philosophers like. Here I was most impressed Oscar Wilde: "If you can not read a book over and over again to his delight, it has no value, read it at all." So I see it also, therefore, never read books that I did not like and keep all the many books that I read in my living space, so I always have the opportunity, I enjoy it again and that, whenever I want.

The reviewed product is available in stores everywhere.

Monday, November 1, 2010

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Review: 2012 - end and new beginning-Walter-Jörg Langbein.

"... emerged as the Island of Atlantis in the depths of the sea and down disappeared. "(Quote, Plato, Timaeus 25, translated by Otto Apelt)

Walter-Jörg Langbein deals with the 21/12/2012. Then, its purpose is to ancient Mayan calculations, the world due to a global catastrophe will be destroyed. How to understand this predicted apocalypse? What would such a downfall for us?

Huge disasters has always existed, for as long as the ground. As early as Plato told of the decline of Atlantis, an obviously powerful empire that was wiped out, because the inhabitants were driven by exuberant hubris. your pride meant that Zeus punished the continent Atlantis and sink into the waters of the sea was.

Langbein statements reflecting different religions and their apocalyptic ideas and shows that the Koran and the Bible in contrast to the religious beliefs of Hindus and the Mayans in the term doomsday always have something final in mind. For the Mayans it was the change, the cycle of a flowering and decay and renewed prosperity. Is this a religious notion Once clear, the date 2012 is not scared.

What's the meaning of life? How are preventable disasters? Can we in the Legends of the Mayans, Hopis and the Stone figures on Easter Island to learn something? Old drawings to refer not to distant stars astronauts who set out once to find on Earth new housing?

Is it not time that we have the whole world, must understand the basis of climate change and other conditions as the new Atlantis? Must we force considerations, the Earth far in the depths of the universe to search for habitable planets in order to ensure the survival of humanity?

The author writes on page 100: "Since the first humans to have entered as an astronaut into space, we know about the great mystery of Planet Earth Man needs to fly into space to detect. From the lethal freezing cold of outer space is considered our home planet one big Atlantis. But we suppress skillfully the risk that our Atlantis can go down just like the Atlantis of Plato. "

The well-traveled author reports in detail by many ancient cultural sites, not least from Chizen Itza and Palenque in Mexico and a message on a relief in Palenque, which is on his interpretation: "That may wipe out a super volcano or a giant meteorite life on earth in a rocket ark" to survivors of the escape on earth inevitable death. "

was for the Maya, therefore the principle of hope, their cyclical world view leaves the end. There is no final end, but always a new beginning. 2012 may have only a moment of great upheaval, which like it always will be and wherever they may lead us to other, perhaps on a star. I can think of a Latin motto, "Per aspera ad astra", which could be the motto for 2012. Let us try just this year, especially care of our old mother earth to our future as a new star appears more beautiful. That will happen when we are all peaceful, loving and responsible way to deal with it and the people who inhabit them.

A very exciting to-read Book, which shows that on our earth, therefore there is no assurance that we are exposed to many hardships and ultimately our lives that we should always be understood as a journey.

The reviewed product is available in stores everywhere.