Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Bright Red Soles Of Feet Toddler

Lone travelogue

After Paul on the evening of arrival in Guayaquil also been adopted and returned after the hostal search in the bus to Quito was, I still had a few days to get me to look at Guayaquil and Cuenca return again to the beautiful.
But already the search for a good and especially cheap hostel in Guayaquil was quite an adventure. Together we wandered for a while through the streets of Ecuador's largest city, but found throughout the tourist district just a hostal in regards to price framework that But from room to wish her a lot was left.
Perplexed, we asked finally at passers-by who could help us but not until we met Felipe. Felipe, Guayaquileno from an estimated 60 years and head of security of the town hall, invited us unceremoniously into the car and brought us into the hostel opposite his house. There I was then well under and Paul was able to safely go home.
I spent the evening with some Cervezitas to Felipe and let me advise tourists. The conversation but soon led to a political discussion, with time was again the antipathy between Guayaquil and the rest of Ecuador well. The evening was completed with the invitation, but the next come by day in the town hall, so Felipe could show me Guayaquil.

The next day I spent at the invitation despite mostly alone and marched bouncing step, the sights of Guayaquil. Personal highlight is definitely "Las Penas" and "Iguana Park". First, a bit uncertain, as but a lot of stories about the security situation of the city made the rounds, but by the many security forces all calmed down, there were many churches, the Central Cemetery, Malecón and the Arts District, Las Penas "to see, interspersed with historical monuments and the Fire Department Museum.
The "Palacio de Cristal" built by Gustave Eiffel himself, was visited, I was not too compelling.
When I finally arrived exhausted from a long day at the town hall Felipe had, but this little pity on me and sent me to escort one of his security men directly on to a museum. Once I was first introduced to the security chief and was then the personal and individual tour in English of salaried Guayaquilhistoriker. Besides the information about the Christianization of Ecuador I got here too insights into the conflict in particular between Quito and Guayaquil, which was particularly reflected by the fact that the Guayaquilenos the official Independence Day Ecuador does not want to recognize.
enthusiastic about the information that his name - William - is to two German Emperor ajar I said goodbye, finally by my friendly guide, who unconsciously me though everything had been taught about Ecuador as about history, about which I was quite happy.
In the evening we went to Felipe Eating what already followed the departure, coupled with the invitation, but soon to get back to Guayaquil, best weekend so he could show me more of his hometown.

The next day was for me even more to Cuenca, where I the weekend in the company of the "fiestas de Cuenca "spent met Ecuadorians. Aueßrdem, I followed the city tour in the cable vulnerable Touribus and visited the "mirador", that is the point of view of Cuenca. From there it was all beautiful and admired in Spain reminiscent city from above, the picture is always dominated by the giant "catedral nuevo", built by - take note - a Swabian.
addition to visiting the hot springs of Cuenca, it went to the Cascadas Bay of Pigs, but were a lot more impressive than the rather small obscurities waterfalls in Mindo.
After this weekend was well enough with the ridiculous traveling circus, and even if I did not like the trip behind me, I was glad to finally get back home, having to live in a regular routine with the good old Colegio without the bag ...


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