shrimps in coconut sauce or one of the Ecuadorian coastline long planned, it was then on the evening of Boxing Day so far: I met Paul in Quito, to take the posted bus to the beach and starting to explore the northern coastal province of Ecuador, Esmeraldas, the entire coast.
All this of course with backpackers and budget only by public transport. As far as the plan we came back the next morning even in Atacames. The first bad planning of the trip was already apparent when we were an hour from the coast: Buses to Mompiche, our first destination drive only from the capital of the province of Esmeraldas, but not Atacames ... So again drove into the bus and the hour to the planned direction of travel to the north. But then we arrived in Mompiche ...
excerpts from the diary:
"Mompiche 27/12/2008
Finally! Two weeks beach holiday with Paul and sea began. I still can not really comprehend it, that I have a few days before New Year's Eve on the beach in the sun and swim in the sea.
had To make matters worse, we here in Mompiche also really lucky because we just after the accommodation of one - received Tourivermittler - admittedly a little greasy and have now found the third floor of a thatched bamboo house five feet above the waves, not 50 yards away, a home along with the obligatory hammock.
on a game night, swimming after the beach, play beach volleyball, enjoy seafood and a visit to a desert island are behind us - not to mention the whipping and drink up its own coconut kiss - we sit with the selbstgmixten Cola beer on the terrace while among us beach party takes its course.
echoes from the adjacent cocktail lounge dance salsa over, while some people close to the sea to the freshly lit fire ...
Incredibly, a great day! "
Esmeraldas (Emeralds): The northernmost coastal province of Ecuador, while the home of the highest population of blacks from all over Ecuador. When the first slave sailors from the Ecuadorian coast and crossed one of them suffered shipwreck, were able to save only some of the black slaves to the bank. The name comes
Esmeraldas way only from the beautiful green color of the sea, precious stones were still not found. "Chamanga - Pedernales - 28/12/2008 Cojimies
again sat on the bus without end, but then much less experienced than in Mompiche. With the bus out of Mompiche it was only on the main road to Wait one hour, then on to Chamanga. The Ecuadorian public transport system had us again ...
Why Chamanga is nothing in our guide, was clear when we got there: A small, ugly and village, whose beach we got to face, as we immediately put on the bus to Pedernales.
But there was to be found even after an extensive tour of the city in search of food, not respectable, so that we, after a short stop in for our budget to expensive cabanas "Coco Solo" made after further Cojimies.
found After looking at this not at all touristy village we finally a cheap and clean hostel situated on the beach.
The beach here is very lonely, covered with shells and a little full of trash. Since
had the beach to offer tourists anything, limited Paul and I are swimming in the sea, and talk with a local.
a spectacular sunset, countless mosquito bites and a few laps later Offiziersskat, it is now probably the same night without a spectacle to bed ... "
connection between Pedernales and Cojimies: Is there now in the form of a gravel road. Is driving these small Busetas that start when they are full, or about every half hour. Where is heat resistance, Restriction on minimum space and confidence in the roof rack of seemingly well-functioning Busetas without shock absorbers.
Cost: $ 2. "Jama 12/29/2008
Here we are in the Wild West town in Ecuador. As our guide was not so wrong is with his description, because the heat-breeding little nest in the Ecuadorian nowhere definitely something about the idea of the European, an American gold-mining town in the 18th Century. Wooden balustrade and dusty streets set the scene, missing only the really vorbeipreschenden Cowboys. Arrived around noon, we were quite fast find a place to stay. In "hostal azul" not far from the central village square, we took the Mamita after initial skepticism and Abschreckangebot of $ 20/night at. Now we pay but only 10
The belongings were safe in the hostel is housed in the Moto Taxi to me personally, reminiscent of the Brittany beach, which sparkled with good waves and churning water. In remote, especially in completely un-touristy areas, there is always favorable, there was - the sake of variety - again with the obligatory seafood Cerveza as a tonic, after we had helped the local fishermen to pull their boats ashore. A few laps later
Offiziersskat and to the knowledge-rich, destroy the party to travel goes, it probably straight to bed - mosquito bites bring happiness "
" Canoa 30/12/2008
cough and sore throat in the budding surfer's paradise of Ecuador!. I'm sick so dramatic but then, but I hope I enjoy it but Sylvester can lie flat and not tomorrow.
The surfers are still missing, but not fit for the surf waves. Otherwise, the most touristy place Canoa so far, but is not quite atmospheric approach to Mompiche. There is here perhaps a little too touristy and not authentic enough. Moreover, neither beach nor water too great and Our hostel is better not to lose many words ... "
Canoa: This small town near the Bay of Caraquez, is reputed to be a few years the new Montanita Ecuador. Translated takes tourism, particularly the Alternative and Surfertourimus strong there, what is the one built in the hostal and the other is reflected in the prices. "San Vicente - Bahia - Porto Viejo - Manta - Puerto Lopez 02:01:08
from the absence of time and my motivation is not necessarily increasing, worsening cough did not come to write, so quick review the past Days:
31.12. Bahía de Caraquez
As my cough continued to worsen and 31 had clearly appropriate for the doctor seemed as if the scheduled for the onward journey 01 we set out to find the hospital in the not too distant Bahía. While we should Hostalbesitzen in Canoa said to be also a doctor, but was nowhere to be found and also little to inspire confidence.
Arrived in Bahia, there was the treatment group of 10 unemployed emergency doctors, after a long discussion, but only landed back at the antibiotic. Otherwise
turned out in the tour office, that at 01 make tourism in Bahia is nothing, so were the "Isla Corazón" and possible shallow snorkeling too.
The New Year's Eve back in Canoa was clearly much to be desired. Some people on the street, fire on the beach, but little party. So we drank a few cocktails with us the whole thing went well and on time shortly before twelve also release the Böllerei which anos viejos were burned and jumped over it "
Ano viejo. Both the name of Sylvester, and for the dolls from papier mache , which are crafted for the new year. This custom originated in the Sierra, but is now practiced on the coast. So live large paper dolls and clothes to be built, equipped with head and get Finally vice hung a plaque on which are some quotes from that contact.
meaning of this custom is in fact to represent a person who was on last year's particularly annoyed a lot. At 12, the doll is then burned symbolic, to the same in the new year does not happen again. "01.01. day of travel to Puerto Lopez is
little since it reported, except that at 01 little buses. So it was disgusting then salted Panes de Yuca in the first bus to a costly $ 40 taxi ride from Manta to Puerto Lopez. To compensate, we had after all the good company of two Swiss women, now here in fantastic hostal "Itapoa" quartered next door are. Apart
like yesterday we made a little to come out to eat and what to look us in Puerto Lopez. . First price estimate for the "Isla de la Plata" was $ 40 + National Park fee, according to Julie that we met on the beach, the price is, however, probably at $ 35 + fee "
Censo and fees: As a volunteer with a stay of a whole year, we have the good fortune to have us issue a Censo, which is nothing more than a euadorianischer ID card for foreigners. This document attesting to a residence in Ecuador and the owner must be treated as a resident. This suggests down especially on entry fees. Thus paid Paul and I as a National Park entrance for both the "Isla de la Plata" and the rest of the park on the mainland, $ 5, while the Swiss pay only for the continental Admission $ 12 each had. Puerto Lopez - Isla de la Plata 2:01:09
"It has come to Julie, then implemented it went today for $ 35 with the boat over to Isla de la Plata", the "Galapagos for the poor". After the one hour ride in the boat together with 15 other tourists, the island had to offer himself at first little, even the friendly, hook-nosed scoutmaster could because little break from stories. We admired
with decreasing enthusiasm along with dozens of blue-footed boobies and the children which are now unfortunately out of the mating season frigate birds.
The red-footed boobies were not looking, as was the question of albatrosses abgeschmettert been equal at the beginning, because this is again only from April to settle on the island. The lone common seal of the island was probably looking for food and wanted to absolutely do not be photographed, so we rather quickly on the boat returned.
But here we had the opportunity to feed the first large water turtle, and then to snorkel with them. I was incredibly close to the great amphibian swam along the way and got to see more clown fish and many other colorful fish species. Also, a big fish ball could be looking, so I was fully compensated for the rather dreary island.
The second snorkel spot, however, had less to offer, besides the already have been seen only small populations of coral admire. In addition, I made my cough, which I shared generously now with Paul, set up in the cold water in addition. "
Montanita 04:01:09
" Before we went to Montanita we had only one more day in Puerto Lopez, we do used, with the Swiss "Playa de los Frailes" to visit. The "monk beach" is, according to a tour guide, referring to National Geographic the 10 most beautiful beaches in the world. Whether that's true so precise times is an open question, but it is definitely the most beautiful beach in Ecuador so far.
was after visiting the beach, it is initially poor and little in the restaurant, but then much to eat of the delicious and fruit market.
After we said goodbye to the issue in Switzerland bus to Montanita.
The bus tour was great!
A constant up-and-downs of the South American bus that hinaufschnaufte half falling apart the mountains, then to the breakneck speed the tip along to race, out of you almost got to see only rain forest. On the tropical trees and the dense green again flashed across the sunset is reflecting the last rays over the sea.
accompanied by the sun in the east, we soon came to in Montanita, that was almost overrun with tourists. That was also the reason why Paul and I had to sleep in the most expensive "habitación" of the whole trip together in a marriage bed.
Even the evening itself was not a great success because Montanita more to wander through-the-streets-suited seemed to enjoy the great atmosphere, and less to make party. However, the atmosphere is really great! The
up to 5-story bamboo houses on both sides, in a stream of alternative vorbeizutreiben surfers and vacationers from the Guayaquil characterized by rhythmic drumming street music, was a great experience. In addition there was still a "club" - and I mean from the large bottle. The evening ended still relatively early and after a few hours sleep, it went bad after extensive breakfast on the beach.
There were, however, except the part really good surfers to admire little, even the beach itself was for "Los Frailes" rather bad. So we climbed
still a point of land, let us shower from the surf and will get right on the way to the alleged "concrete beach" make of Salinas. "
Salinas 4:01:09
" Looking back, a great day, because of the European beach promenade also excellent beach volleyball games and a favorable "habitación" were added.
But from the beginning: Arrived in Salinas after heat embossed Busgurkerei the alleged "concrete hole" of the coast, we initially sought a decent accommodation. The inviting-looking, however, were too expensive and well-known post that before we finally an old, low building, reminiscent of the double-grating to garden and door to prison more than hostal.
But inside, lured home country flair and cheaper price, that we put up abruptly with the friendly owner. This was especially thrilled that their hostel is actually in the "Feser" is entered and told us some stories abruptly from the just ended season.
After a beach exploration, the military has been limited, we came to an excellent, albeit low beach volleyball court, was to gain the full training available against the Ecuadorians, however little. But the people were
all cool and it went into the best and most delicious restaurant in the whole journey. Bella Italia in Salinas with the - so far - best pizza Ecuador
Playas 05:01:09
"Arrived in Playas, we found after a surprisingly short search at first glance appears as a perfect place to stay, with the cheapest of the whole trip, and spent much of the day with entertainment on the beach. With the long beach walk final, which brought us to one of the most beautiful built some of Ecuador's coast, we enjoyed the last sunset of our trip. Below beautiful mansions with manicured gardens and palm trees behind the house are the mile long beach led to a deserted spit of land, of course, climbed the cliff was still to hold the last Sonnenuntergangsfotoshootin.
Tomorrow we will probably have to last time at sea for the last time at the beach of Playas unspectacular, then to the internet and finally on to Guayaquil.
Then I still get the photos of Paul, even if the hundreds of blue-footed boobies determined includes, as I have used my own camera at all hardly. In Guayaquil I meet again hopefully together with Switzerland, or do I have the days until the next trip to Cuenca alone kill ... "
Facts and Figures
travel days _______________________________ 11
Distance covered (about 800 km
)______________ 33 used vehicles ______________________ ___________________
total transport costs $ 60.15
transport costs on average $ 5.46 ______________
total accommodation costs $ 83.50 _________________
accommodation costs on average $ 7.60 ____________ ________________
total cost food costs food
$ 88.90 on average $ 8.08 ___________
total cost holiday _____________________ $ 308.80
total holiday cost on average $ 28.07 __________
total cost vacation in € ________________ € 220.00
total cost vacation in € _____ € 20.00 on average