178 days 167 - Holiday! 159 days
So, today at 4 clock I picked up (thanks Phippu) and this time I will "live preview" a week, as the saying goes. Therefore, it is likely next week give no entry :-)
After this holiday weekend I will come for two weeks in the REHAB especially to address, nor the recent hiccups, the 6-month examination (bone marrow, dental, pulmonary measurements, etc) to make and me again to organize the Autopermis, the bike is probably only later :-(.
The cortisone was last sold, I hope now that are not too many complications, but the dose was always just Homeopathic according to my doctor. The blood levels were excellent, respectively. as usual, only the liver is still a bit out of line dances. Do not worry says the doctor.
And running is always better, especially without poles I run more and more miles.
And now I'll forget my illness a bit ....
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