Monday, March 7, 2011

Why Does Milk Have A Soapy Taste

Review: Rudolf Taschner, justice triumphs

Prof. Dr. Rudolf Taschner demonstrates in this book, the gap between law and justice, which for centuries can not be closed eventually. The author knows that equality, generation, law, history, business, design, conscience, grace, are unlikely to bring in line with the concept of justice. The reasons for this are complex. The shows of the scientists is well understood by many examples.

In this book focuses on the concept of "justice" from different angles. Already in the prologue makes clear Prof. Dr. Taschner that so far there is no justice on earth, but a longing after her.

The author has dealt with many smart people from previous times and also with changes in the course of history. It shows how old snobbery was lifted, but once again was new. The selfishness of many people appeared to be rare to another to give as a self-interest takes precedence. You can know more about Mozart's development which, because of his talent can be also an outstanding mathematician, but a musician, was because his father and his fate was already in the then estate society otherwise permitted, (see: p. 14 ff).

Carl Friedrich Gauss, highly gifted children of poor parents, was lucky that he was born in a time when the man was already regarded as autonomous beings. He was given a chance to work according to his talent, as a wise teacher has encouraged him and he eventually got a scholarship to the Martino-Katharineum High School, (see: p.17).

Prof. Dr. Taschner makes clear that Fortune in such developments are the inspiration and they have to this day to do anything to enter with a fairer structure. is discussed

the fact that with the disappearance of old privileges and the high clergy, a new social class-the educated middle- developed. These caste made sure that their descendants occupied important political positions, or could at least be the holders of influence (see: p.23). Also they were not interested in fair conditions.

comes to language, the "French Revolution" and its ideal of the citizen, and Thomas Jefferson is not forgotten and will be advised of theorists like John Rawls. Rawls in his Theory of Justice "in 1971 prompted some to which social, economic and political principles for a society to advance reasonable persons would, if they do not know where you stand with yourself in this society to be (see: p.29). It is learned that Rawls called because of his thought experiment two principles of justice that can be read at Taschner combined well. You can also read about the weaknesses in the conceptual approach of Rawls. Taschner eventually draws the most legitimate conclusion that a just world in terms of Rawls was static (see: p.30)

The author also writes of Olympe de Gouges, which during the French Revolution to the germ women's suffrage, and thus for the recognition of equal rights between men and women, laid (see: p.34), is also mentioned in the preamble to the Declaration of Independence of the United States, Calvin, Thomas Hobbes, Thomas More and how they were called by each in its own way on the implementation of justice of pondering.

The author asks in particular whether forgetting or remembering serve justice, even on Kant's reflections on the "eternal peace", one reads in terms of justice to know. A wealth of information flowing on the reader and I was pleased to finally be found on page 185 of the "categorical imperative" of Kant, which I think if everyone would use it in all his actions, could constitute a guarantee of fairness .

Taschner headline on page 188 "The conscience is the only Instance of true justice. "This argument at me close. Too bad that not all people listen to their conscience, but behave rather advantageous relative. This behavior prevented fair and just conditions. In my view, the problem of unjust structures and patterns of behavior can only be resolved if If the idea of wisdom teachers such as E. Tolle reacted, demonstrating that egomania the cause of the little heavenly state of our planet is.

justice in my view is, to deal fairly with each other, that people work their talents in accordance with and can live that neither corruption nor nepotism the genuine efforts to undermine a person's assets that it rigorously against such machinations going on in communities and the pursuit of happiness of the individual can not be nipped in the bud by selfish rulers. Justice is my opinion only in democratic structures to implement and only if each according to Kant's "categorical imperative" operates. Just structures require that to deal respectfully with each other and not in derogation of respectful communication. Prof. Dr. Taschner unfortunately right. "They are not on earth, -. Justice"

Worth reading.