Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Anthropomentric For Coffee Store

review: You can do it! Louise L. Hay

Louise L. Hay, the author of this very clever book shows the reader how he means Mind power can overcome the illusion of scarcity.

Hay clear in the introduction that you can radically change his life by positive affirmations. It is possible to select specifically words that contribute either to remove something from his own life or to create something new. The author advises us to pay more attention to their own thoughts and the reason so you can eliminate those thoughts that create the experiences that you do not like, (see: 11).

is to use affirmations to decide to have a conscious to think certain thoughts that lead to positive results in the future. This will affirmative statements about beyond the present reality and create the future through words that are used in the present. Hay points out that creating too many negative thoughts, a barrier against the effectiveness of positive affirmations. Once one starts to change his thinking processes, changes to the result that everything else in life. The author recommends

always if you have a problem to repeat again and again the following affirmation: ".. Everything is fine Everything is becoming my best good will arise from this situation, I'm sure.."

Louise L. Hay in her book reflects affirmations in terms of health, forgiveness, prosperity and wealth, creativity, relationships and love, professional success, life without stress and self-esteem.

The author is convinced that any so-called disease in our bodies themselves created and that is because the body, like everything else in our lives is the mirror of our thoughts and beliefs. Every cell in our body responds to every thought that we produce and every word we articulate (see: p.30). I knew a man who said to from a young age, he would die young and he actually died far away from the age of cancer.

With Hay I share the opinion that produce die-language modes of thinking and physical postures, expressions and behaviors that either relaxed or tense. Hay is getting to the point when she writes: "A person who is constantly on display with a pinched face, it has certainly not produced in that he has thought of happy, loving thoughts." (Quote p. 30)

Everyone can choose to think the thoughts that create an intellectual atmosphere that lead to diseases or in the interior and exterior create a healthy atmosphere. Hay lists a series of positive affirmations that will improve health.

Who irreconcilable ideas, will never be able to get out of his bitterness. Anyone who clings to the past, We are never free. Only if you forgive yourself and others, can come loose from the past. Through forgiveness frees oneself from pain. Who awards come, to love. Hay shows the basis of many positive affirmations in order to be forgiven, that it makes sense not to be vindictive, "I all people forgive from my past, for all that they have done to me apparently I let go in love.." (Quote p. 49)

forgive is also no longer allow that hurt border practices or actions of third parties can be served up. To forgive is, therefore, to distinguish themselves from the other lovely people.

to receive all the above points is an abundance of convincing affirmations that you should do is really confident and repeat daily. can I agree with Hay convinced that when you open to ideas flow easily and effortlessly and you learn in this way, every day to be a little more creative. has

pleased me that the author distinguishes between the need love and need. Those who are not even worth estimates will engage in the impact on relationships of mutual dependence, and unsatisfactory for both partners. Those who think happy thoughts will be a happy man and all his relations improve. One or the other will surely shake their heads and distrust Hays concepts. But anyone who realizes the serious affirmations will recognize that they work amazingly well, even as far as the career success and life without stress.

Hay konstiert, rightly, that stress is an anxiety reaction to the constant changes in life. Who knows about himself that he is capable and can handle anything that comes to him, is not afraid and hence have no stress. To get to this awareness, you need a stable self-esteem. This also applied to gain from positive affirmation.

best to his day begins with the following Affirmation: Today irritate me, no man, not a place or thing, or annoy. I choose, serene and calm to be "(quote p. 117)


The reviewed product is widely commercially available

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Why Did My Sucker Fish Die?

Review: Geo Compact No. 25

Geo Compact No. 25 deals with the question of why we are good and bad. The magazine focuses on in eloquent contributions egoism and empathy, love and lies, compassion and suspicion In short, the bright side of man and the dunks. On the DVD, the contributions are visualized instructive.

14 posts waiting for the reader. The first contribution is a picture essay on respect and oppression, love and contempt, friendship and violence. In a nutshell, the phenomenon of suppression in this context is outlined. "The pursuit of power of an addiction is the same:.. With her growing self-image, satisfaction, the pride of what Haber to control people subordinates according to his ideas to shape this arises from the violent enforcement of their own will, the oppression of others is often a fear : to lose control and even the victim to be "(quote p. 11).

also interesting is how the phenomenon of contempt is analyzed. People will read, one that others disdain, often try to repress their own shortcomings. This is very good in the pictures shown clearly.

fact that violence is gender-typical, is likely to have already spoken about, and that men of the armed escalated rapidly, but they reconcile quickly than women. The tendency to react aggressively, we read in the paper on "The dark legacy", is from person to person differs. Brain structures, neurotransmitters and hormones that are influenced by genes, are the reason why some people are aggressive and more excitable than others and react in consequence, impulsive. In addition, particularly family and social circumstances in some people enlarge the violence (see: p. 28). A study of psychopathic serial killers has made it clear that they were not abused in childhood are rare and have been traumatized. Interestingly, their mothers often sadistic and have been sexually abused (see: p.34).

you should also know that any aggressor with the capacity for forgiveness and reconciliation in itself. So that means that man bears within it the tendency to violence, but also include peace and cooperation. To encourage cooperative behavior, I consider extremely important.

I find interesting also the report of Sebastian Witte of empathy, as called for further reading a book by Giacomo Rizzolatti and Carrado Sinigagli. Empathy is not a cognitive construct is highlighted, and mirror neurons in the cerebral cortex help us to understand the feelings of others. I found the information reassuring that 99% of all people are able to feel empathy. Unfortunately, this can be overlaid sympathy and some people even experience satisfaction when they feel that a person suffers from emotions such as malice, malice or ridicule. Witte writes: "Sadists enjoy it when another man screams in pain, they are looking forward to his pain intoxicate themselves in it. And your assets compared to humiliate solely targeted because they can see precisely what acts the victim as particularly distressing and feels humiliated ... " ... "Only those who know the emotional pain of others, tormenting and humiliating acts of revenge can devise." ... "And only he who feels the fear of his fellow men, their fears stoke white, white with rage, anger and violence to harness its power and can suppress a tyrant all peoples." (Quote p. 41). The motives of sadists should be aware to them to withdraw prior to the ground.

envy and jealousy are emotions that have developed from 7 million years ago. Envy arises when the self-image is in danger and there is evidence that envy is culturally influenced. So there are companies envy. The sister of envy is Schadenfreude. Here I recommend the interview with the social philosopher Dieter Thoma to read the magazine. People always compare gone, eaten often by envy and resentment. You have a sick self-esteem.

worth the contribution is to be optimistic. This medicine is explained further why positive thinking people live longer and healthier. It is interesting that even good liars the twitch the facial muscles can not control and men tend to lie to impress, while women want to convey by means of a lie its good compared to a feeling. People only see every second Falsehood of their counterpart. This message will appeal to all those who like to lead others astray.

The report to Heinrich Himmler is highly recommended if you want to look into the abyss of human beings. This regard, I recommend as further reading: The Brothers Himmler. A German family history.

All interested readers, I recommend the reports of six parties with respect to their encounter with the Evil. Here writes a bullying victim who now lectures on labor law at the university and for moderating a group bullying, self therapy was initially concerned. This shows that the confrontation with evil must result in no permanent depression.
