Sunday, October 31, 2010

Navy Retirement Cake Design

Review: The Essen-Thilo Bode counterfeiters

Books by Thilo Bode I always read with great interest and for a simple reason: they are always enlightening. In his latest book, the author shows to the machinations of the food counterfeiters. Its subtitle has clearly pointed out what he is. He will also , Inform us what lies in the food industry constantly on the plate.

Confidence in the food companies has long been out, because the consumer is deceived every day millions of times. Truly disgusting, the advertising strategies by which you already tried children "industrial waste" (sugar-and trans-fatty foods) make tasty.
I agree with Bode suggested that it requires above all the responsibility of the industry and their respect for the consumers to bring about a change. expose the cunning advertising worlds through sufficient training, unfortunately not, as advertising for this "junk" is more subtle on the psyche. Recently, consumers want to crawl into your brain already, to make them docile as a buyer.

from more than 200 pages, the author spreads confusion on the part of the food industry, which will only come to an end when the policy, the interests and rights of consumers against the concentrated power of corporations protected, said Bode.

The author focuses include products that allegedly made to "original recipe" and "regional origin" and not actually rare industrial products with inferior ingredients and long transport routes, (see: p. 61 ff).

reported in detail by the author the supposed health miracles "Actimel" and "activation" of "snacks" and "light food" and the many so-called wellness drinks, which are full of sugar only pretending.

announce the federal government is that 37 million adults and two million children are overweight or obese (see: p.85). More and more children diagnosed with adult-onset diabetes. Cause is the "industrial waste", which is part of the marketing strategists brought sent to the people.

people who consume the "dirt" of the food industry, are more prone to infections, have skeletal damage, are at increased risk for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, coronary heart disease, gout, to have a higher risk of fatty liver and of suffering from gallstones, joint disorders and breast cancer and in career, (see S 86).

Bode shows that even when not supposed organic products before advertising is immune to lies and you basically have to be constantly alert as soon as one makes its food purchases. It is impossible for all the products that Bode is on trial here to nominate. I was appalled when I read how few people even cook every day and how many to resort to unhealthy ready meals.

The American diet pioneer Michael Pollan, quoted by Bode says would like to wish two sentences I quoted briefly here:

"One should not eat what your grandmother would not recognize as food."

"fruit to eat at the best way to find them in nature."

Bode's book is really eye-opening and shows that you should buy food wisely and well advised to undergo further training with regard to nutrition and cooking. You should his health not miss the food companies trust, but ensure their own survival and that a clear rejection of a gourmet food presented, or the like "industrial waste". Garbage is in the trash and not in our bodies.

The reviewed product is available in stores everywhere.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Where Are The Arrows In The Papercity

Renz Sion: Roger Willemsen "The ends of the world" - non-fiction

preliminary, Roger Willemsen has designed a very remarkable book. How do we know the author as a curious man, the drives it always know what lies behind the next mountain and is not only the spatial component, but also the interpersonal fathom a person opposite meaning, he has made in this book the trouble his travel experiences from many years of stray us in bringing readers.

Roger Willemsen is a restless spirit. The distance it seems to attract magical. This distance is not far away in the tourist sense, but it has always gone to places where he has tried to identify the human distance.

This successful book is not from a single continuous story, but it is divided into 22 individual travel accounts around the globe, said he misses the North Pole itself not as a goal of his curiosity. Otherwise, his explorations, as I said, not primarily devoted to the exoticism of the tourist.
course, its respective goals of immense tourist interest, because who would not like such Places like Patagonia, Timbuktu, the Kamchatka Peninsula, Hong Kong or the islands of Tonga in the South Pacific, to name but a few want to travel.
But Willemsen is not a travel writer, though he especially created to describe the reader too impressive to countries and places, he's ultimately about the people he encounters in each case to see in their environment, but they in look inside to see how they were shaped by their environment. All his stories are moving ultimately in the extreme. There he will pick up the people and their life stories, they discover, to understand them. Of course, is the North Pole and the interest of the people who want to hinbegeben there, in some ways just as extreme as his visit to a brothel in Bombay, which is occupied as the last refuge of AIDS-stricken young women. All these are for the author experience, of which he has seemingly to the ends of the world. I would like to accept this, because I have as a young student once tried to make similar experiences.

In conclusion I will argue in this review again what it takes this intellectual travelers: There are the extreme stories of people who are being made literary. The exotic destinations where Willemsen has tracked these people from different backgrounds. This can be be a shabby hostel in Timbuktu and the inertia mass tourism in a Tuscan art metropolis.

This is a wonderful book for people who travel do to not only a postcard-perfect record in itself, but also drives the curiosity to experience the diversity of people and their experiences on the planet.

discussed this product is available in stores everywhere.