Sunday, August 1, 2010

Putting A Bed Together

Federation of Consumer Organizations Calls patient receipt

finally has a known person addressed the problem.
The chairman of the Federation of Consumer Organizations Gerd Billen calls patient receipts that are issued after each visit to the doctor. With such a receipt, patients can check exactly which services were performed by the treating physician.

The aim is not only the Doctors are controlled, and citizens should be aware of the costs he caused with his doctor.
source Rheinische Post
That the possibility of the patient's receipt is not new, goes under it, but hardly a patient to have the courage to demand from his doctor. I myself have checked with my doctor and found out that this patient's receipt has never required anyone. The accountant wanted to make smart and get back to me. That was a week ago, let's see how long it takes until I learn something.
I'll tell you then ....